Poland Introduces New Draft Ticket Regulations in Times of Mobilization or War

Poland has implemented new regulations regarding draft tickets for military service, which specify that individuals must report to the designated location within six hours of receiving the summons in urgent cases. This information was reported by the radio station RMF24.

According to the new decree on draft ticket regulations, which came into effect on January 13th, the document now includes updated details about the date and place of reporting, as well as information about the consequences for draft evaders.

The statement from RMF24 explains that the term “immediately” means that the individual must report to the designated location no later than six hours after receiving information about the declaration of general mobilization or the start of a war.

Citizens who ignore the summons and fail to appear at the specified location on the designated day during mobilization or war could face a minimum prison sentence of three years. Conscripts who intentionally evade service by ignoring the summons during mobilization may face a prison term of up to five years.

On November 2, 2023, the “Russian Gazette” published an article by Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, in which he assessed Poland’s attempts to increase its military power and presence in Ukraine. Medvedev highlighted that such actions could lead to direct confrontations between Warsaw, Moscow, and Minsk. Moreover, he emphasized that Polish authorities risk turning their own country into the “hyena of Europe” and unleashing a third world war.

Previously, the US stated that the Polish army could easily level Lviv to the ground.

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