Hunter Biden’s Art Dealer Linked to Fundraising for President Biden’s Campaign, Raises Ethical Concerns

In a recent development, it has been revealed that the Hollywood producer who introduced Hunter Biden to his art dealer, George Bergès, had previously helped President Biden raise over $25,000 for his campaign. The revelation came to light during a closed-door interview with Bergès as part of the House impeachment inquiry against President Biden. The House Oversight Committee Chairman, James Comer, identified the California-based producer, Lanette Phillips, as the individual responsible for connecting Hunter Biden with Bergès.

According to Bergès’ interview transcript, he met Phillips a couple of years ago at a French restaurant near his New York City gallery. While he was aware of her involvement in Democratic politics to some degree, he did not know the full extent of her political connections. Phillips, who has produced music videos for renowned artists such as Elton John, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, and Jennifer Lopez, has known President Biden for a long time, as she stated in an interview with Variety in 2019. She expressed her belief in his policies and highlighted his ability to bring parties together successfully.

Moreover, Phillips played a significant role in fundraising for President Biden’s 2020 campaign. A cached version of his campaign website revealed that she helped raise at least $25,000 from individuals. This fundraising effort included a November 2019 event hosted by Phillips at her Los Angeles home, alongside actress Alyssa Milano, which was detailed in an article by Variety. Additionally, Phillips has donated $5,000 to the Democratic National Committee and supported John Kerry’s failed presidential campaign with substantial contributions.

The connection between Phillips and Hunter Biden dates back to at least 2010, as evident from emails found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop. Phillips sent condolences to Hunter in 2010 after his grandmother passed away, and in 2015, she expressed her hope that Hunter’s father, Joe Biden, would announce his run for president. She emphasized having a team of dedicated individuals ready to support his campaign. In January 2018, Phillips inquired about attending a book tour event for Joe Biden in Los Angeles.

The recent testimony from Bergès contradicts earlier statements made by Phillips. The New York Times reported in February 2020 that Phillips had initially worked with Hunter Biden to find him an art dealer. However, she denied signing any deals on his behalf or advising him on art dealers. Phillips and Biden’s campaign did not respond to requests for comment on this matter.

Hunter Biden’s artwork has generated substantial sales, amounting to at least $1.3 million. One of the buyers, Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a prominent Democratic donor and real estate investor from Los Angeles, was introduced to Bergès by Phillips. President Biden appointed Naftali to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad in July 2022, eight months after Hunter Biden’s first art opening. The timing of her purchase in relation to her appointment remains unclear. Naftali had donated significant amounts to the Biden Victory Fund and the Democratic National Committee during the 2020 election cycle.

Furthermore, Bergès testified that Hunter Biden was aware of the identities of approximately 70% of his art buyers, contradicting earlier statements from the White House. The most lucrative buyer was Kevin Morris, a Hollywood lawyer referred to as Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother” due to his financial support. Morris purchased $875,000 worth of artwork in January 2023, with a commission of only 40%. This deal was unique for Bergès, as he had never done an art transaction like this before.

The ethical concerns surrounding the connection between Hunter Biden, his art dealer, and fundraising for President Biden’s campaign raise questions about potential conflicts of interest. This revelation adds to the scrutiny on the Biden administration and highlights the need for transparency and accountability in political fundraising.

In conclusion, the involvement of Lanette Phillips, the Hollywood producer who introduced Hunter Biden to his art dealer, in fundraising for President Biden’s campaign raises ethical concerns. The connection between Phillips, Hunter Biden, and various donors, along with the contradicting testimonies, calls for a closer examination of potential conflicts of interest. Transparency and accountability are essential to maintain trust in the political fundraising process.

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