Department of Justice Confirms Authenticity of Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Contradicting President Biden’s Claims

In a surprising turn of events, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has acknowledged the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop, contradicting President Biden’s previous claims that it was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. The court documents filed by federal prosecutors provide further evidence that the laptop is indeed real and that its contents match what had been previously obtained through a search warrant on Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud account.

According to the court documents, the IRS and FBI obtained a search warrant for tax violations in August 2019, which granted them access to Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud account. By September 2021, Apple was able to produce backups of data from various electronic devices that Hunter had backed up to his iCloud account. Furthermore, investigators later acquired Hunter’s Apple MacBook Pro, which he had left at a computer store. The search warrant for the laptop yielded information that largely duplicated what investigators had already obtained from Apple.

The laptop saga began in October 2020 when the New York Post reported on a 2015 email from a Ukrainian energy executive to Hunter, thanking him for introducing him to his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden. This revelation raised concerns of attempted influence-peddling with the elder Biden, as his son enjoyed a lucrative position on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm. However, the laptop’s content went beyond business dealings and included disturbing material such as homemade sex tapes and videos showing Hunter using illegal drugs.

Despite the laptop’s contents and the DOJ’s confirmation of its authenticity, major print and television outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, and CNN, largely dismissed the story. Twitter and Facebook went as far as blocking or limiting the sharing of the New York Post’s article about Biden, with Twitter even locking the newspaper out of its account for weeks.

It wasn’t until February 2023 that Hunter Biden admitted, through a letter from his lawyers, that the laptop at the center of the federal investigation did belong to him. This admission debunked the claims made by President Biden and 51 intelligence officials who had cast doubt on the scandal, labeling it as Russian disinformation.

In June 2023, the DOJ further revealed that it had known since December 2019 that the laptop was “not manipulated in any way” and contained “reliable evidence.” This disclosure contradicted the statements made by intelligence officials and President Biden, who had previously declared the laptop as part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

The court records also shed light on incriminating evidence found during the searches, including Hunter Biden’s addiction to controlled substances and his possession of a firearm. The documents detailed instances of Hunter taking photos of crack cocaine and drug paraphernalia on his phone, as well as his routine messages about purchasing drugs. Additionally, the court documents revealed messages about his girlfriend’s efforts to discard the firearm and contained photos and videos of apparent drug use.

This recent development in the Hunter Biden laptop saga raises questions about the transparency and credibility of the Biden administration. With the DOJ’s confirmation of the laptop’s authenticity, it becomes increasingly difficult for President Biden and his allies to dismiss the scandal as mere Russian disinformation. The American public deserves transparency and accountability from its leaders, regardless of political affiliation.

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