US Condemns Iran’s Missile Strikes in Erbil, Iraq

The United States has strongly condemned the recent missile strikes carried out by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in the city of Erbil, the administrative center of Iraqi Kurdistan. In a statement issued by the US State Department, they expressed their disapproval of Iran’s reckless attacks, which undermine stability in Iraq.

The State Department emphasized that the United States supports the government of Iraq and the regional government of Iraqi Kurdistan in their efforts to meet the aspirations of the Iraqi people. These missile strikes targeted an American military base and an airport near the US consulate in Erbil. Tehran claimed that ballistic missiles and drones were used to target “spy headquarters” and locations where “anti-Iranian terrorist forces” were allegedly concentrated.

On January 15th, Iraqi Shiite armed groups belonging to the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” coalition announced a massive rocket attack and drone strikes on three American military bases in Iraq and Syria. Earlier, the US had accused Iran of preparing attacks by the Houthis on commercial ships in the Red Sea.

The US government’s condemnation of Iran’s actions highlights the ongoing tensions between the two countries, with the United States taking a critical stance against Iran’s aggression in the region. This incident adds to the complexities of the already volatile situation in the Middle East, with implications for regional stability and US foreign policy.

It is important to note that this article presents the US government’s perspective on the matter and does not reflect the views of all parties involved. The situation in Iraq and the broader region remains fluid, and further developments are expected to unfold in the coming days.

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