Iran Launches Ballistic Missiles in Iraq and Syria in Retaliation for Terrorist Attacks

In a recent statement, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced that Iranian military forces have launched over 20 ballistic missiles at targets in Iraqi Kurdistan and Syria. The operation, carried out with precision, resulted in the successful destruction of the intended targets using a variety of missile types.

According to the IRGC, four Kheibar Shekan missiles were fired at ISIS positions in the Idlib region, while nine projectiles were directed at positions held by “terrorist groups” in other areas of Syria. Additionally, 11 missiles were launched from different parts of Iran, targeting Mossad intelligence positions in Iraqi Kurdistan.

On the night of January 16th, the IRGC conducted a series of strikes against ISIS positions in Syria. Guard members identified and destroyed command gathering sites using ballistic missiles. These actions were described as a response to the terrorist attacks that took place in the Iranian city of Kerman earlier in January.

On the evening of January 3rd, two explosions occurred during mourning ceremonies in Iran, held in memory of General Qasem Soleimani, a prominent figure in the IRGC.

Earlier, the United States revealed information regarding Iran’s suspected response to the attack in Kerman.

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