Pakistani Bodybuilders Struggle with Poverty and Exploitation in Pursuit of Fame

For more than two years, journalist Saad Zuberi explored a sporting community that exists largely in the shadows and found young men whose dreams of escaping poverty and finding fame had led them into drug abuse and sexual exploitation.

In the sprawling city of Karachi, Pakistan, a small room in Asad Naqib Khan’s modest family home serves as a sanctuary for his dreams. As a tailor struggling to make ends meet, Asad also aspires to become a professional bodybuilder. With the rhythmic hum of his sewing machine in the background, Asad and his oldest child watch bodybuilding videos on YouTube, fueling his desire to escape poverty and bring pride to his country.

The world of Pakistani bodybuilding is one that few outsiders ever get to see. Lacking state funding, national structure, or regulation, the sport thrives in the shadows, managed by independent federations scattered across the country. However, the sport has undergone a transformation in recent years, with the growing global interest in fitness and bodybuilding culture, attracting thousands of men from all walks of life.

But the pursuit of bodybuilding comes at a cost. The average monthly salary in Pakistan is low, making it difficult for aspiring bodybuilders to afford the necessary gym memberships, specialized diets, protein supplements, and professional coaching. Many end up borrowing money or becoming dependent on their coaches for support.

Moreover, the lure of quick results has led many bodybuilders to turn to steroids and growth hormones, despite the health risks involved. Coaches and gym owners often encourage the use of these substances, with some even providing them to their athletes. The abuse of steroids and hormones has resulted in the deaths of several bodybuilders, shedding light on the dangers lurking behind closed doors.

Exploitation is also prevalent in the world of Pakistani bodybuilding. Aspiring models and bodybuilders often face false promises of work or complimentary photoshoots in exchange for sexual favors. The lack of support networks leaves individuals vulnerable to abuse and isolation, with few resources available to address their physical, emotional, and professional strains.

Despite the challenges, bodybuilders like Asad Naqib Khan continue to pursue their dreams. Competing in regional contests, they strive to bring recognition to their country and escape the cycle of poverty. The road is difficult, but their determination remains unwavering.

In a country where poverty and exploitation intersect with dreams of fame and success, Pakistani bodybuilders navigate a precarious path. They grapple with financial hardships, health risks, and the constant threat of exploitation. Yet, they continue to strive for a better future, using bodybuilding as a means to rise above their circumstances and make their mark on the world.

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