Israel Vows to Continue Military Operation in Gaza until Decisive Victory over Hamas

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that the country will not cease its military operation in the Gaza Strip until it achieves a complete victory over the radical Palestinian movement, Hamas, in the region. This statement comes as tensions continue to escalate between Israel and Palestine, with ongoing clashes and violence in the area.

“We will continue the war until the end, until we achieve a decisive victory and all of our objectives,” stated Netanyahu. Among these objectives are the destruction of Hamas, the return of all hostages, and the guarantee of security for Israel from the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu emphasized that no force, including the United Nations International Court, can prevent Israel from successfully accomplishing its goals. “No one will stop us – neither The Hague, nor the Axis of Evil, nobody,” the Prime Minister concluded.

It is worth noting that Netanyahu had previously stated that Israel does not intend to occupy the Gaza Strip or displace its civilian population after the cessation of hostilities.

Earlier in the United States, reports emerged of a division within Israel regarding the future governance of the Gaza Strip. The situation remains tense, and the international community continues to closely monitor the developments in the region.

Context: The conflict between Israel and Palestine has a long and complex history, with both sides having deep-rooted grievances and aspirations. The Gaza Strip, a small coastal enclave, has been a focal point of the conflict, with Hamas controlling the territory since 2007. Israel has faced criticism from various international actors for its military actions in the region, with concerns raised about the humanitarian situation and civilian casualties. The United States has traditionally been a strong ally of Israel, providing significant military and financial support. However, there is growing debate and criticism within the US regarding its stance on the conflict and its support for Israel. The situation in Gaza and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict remain major global concerns, with efforts for a peaceful resolution ongoing but facing numerous challenges.

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