Father Charged with Murder 35 Years After 5-Year-Old Son’s Death

In a shocking turn of events, a South Carolina father has been charged with the murder of his 5-year-old son, Justin Turner, 35 years after the boy’s death. The case, which had gone cold for decades, was reopened and solved through scientific and forensic advancements.

Victor Lee Turner, the father, broke down during a TV news broadcast in 1989 after discovering his dead son. In archived footage, he can be seen going into the family’s camper near their home and quickly backing out, yelling for help. Justin’s body was found stuffed inside a cabinet in the camper, with evidence of strangulation and sexual assault.

After years of investigation, the seemingly distraught father and Justin’s stepmother, Megan Turner, were connected to the murder through forensic evidence. The boy was allegedly strangled with a ligature before he was supposed to go to school on March 3, 1989. He was reported missing the same day.

During a press conference, Berkeley County Sheriff Duane Lewis expressed the tragedy of the case, calling it “the most tragic, horrendous murder” of a 5-year-old boy. The ligature found in the Turners’ home matched marks on Justin’s body, and microscopic fibers on the ligature were consistent with his shirt collar material.

Warrants revealed that Victor’s response to finding his son’s body raised suspicions. Instead of checking for signs of life, he immediately backed out of the camper, stating, “He’s in there, my son is in there. Somebody’s hurt him.” However, he claimed not to have touched the boy.

Megan Turner, who was initially a suspect due to admitting to arguing with Justin on the morning of his death, had charges dropped in 1990 due to a lack of evidence. Two years later, a grand jury voted not to indict her.

Victor and Megan were recently arrested at their home in Cross Hill, South Carolina, and charged with murder. If convicted, they could face life in prison. During a virtual court appearance, Justin’s cousin, Amy Parsons, addressed the suspected killers, expressing their lack of deserving freedom for their heinous actions.

The case has deeply impacted Justin’s family, who had tirelessly pushed for answers over the years. Sheriff Lewis highlighted the potential life Justin could have had, stating that he could have graduated high school, gone to college, gotten married, and become a productive citizen. The family’s efforts to keep the case alive played a crucial role in solving the murder.

This tragic story serves as a reminder of the importance of advancing forensic technology and the persistence of law enforcement and families in seeking justice for victims of unsolved crimes.

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