Yemen’s Houthis Remain Undeterred as US and UK Launch Retaliatory Strikes

The US and the United Kingdom have launched airstrikes on multiple sites in Yemen, targeting Houthi facilities in retaliation for the group’s attacks on Israel-linked ships in the Red Sea. This marks the first time during the war that the US or its allies have attacked Yemeni territory. However, analysts believe that these attacks may actually embolden the Houthis and raise their domestic and international profile.

Despite not being internationally recognized as the government of Yemen, the Houthi group controls large parts of the country. Their actions in the Red Sea, along with their messaging of supporting the people of Gaza, have gained immense popularity among Yemenis, leading to increased recruitment and massive rallies in support of the Palestinian people. The group claims to intercept Israel-bound and Israeli-owned ships passing through the Bab al-Mandeb strait to pressure Israel to allow humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

The Houthi interceptions have caused minor damage to most ships and have avoided casualties. However, their activities in the Red Sea have escalated, with the group now using unmanned surface vessels. While their tactics have changed, they continue to operate in the Red Sea, undeterred by US threats.

Experts believe that the direct clash between the Houthis and the US in the Red Sea is a significant development. The US and the Houthis are testing the effects of their moves and the extent to which they are willing to escalate. Despite the US attacks, the Houthis remain confident, stating that they have already endured significant strikes from the Saudi-led coalition in the past.

Strategically, the Houthis have a mobile infrastructure that makes it difficult for the US to target them effectively. Additionally, the group is engaged in talks with Saudi Arabia over a long-term ceasefire, and their show of power in the Red Sea may be an attempt to strengthen their position in negotiations. It would benefit Saudi Arabia to prevent further instability in Yemen and potentially recognize the Houthis.

Although the Houthis have received support from Iran as part of the regional Axis of Resistance, analysts caution against labeling them as an Iranian proxy. In the future, the Houthis may reassess their regional alliances and seek closer relations with Saudi Arabia, relying on their financial resources rather than depending on Iran for weapons. The historical and cultural ties between Yemen and Saudi Arabia could play a pivotal role in shaping their relationship.

As the US and its allies continue to target the Houthis in Yemen, it remains to be seen how these developments will impact the ongoing conflict and the balance of power in the region. The Houthis, despite facing external pressure, appear determined to maintain their influence and consolidate power over Yemen.

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