Washington Democrats Propose Tax on Ammunition to Combat Gun Violence

CEO of the National Rifle Association warns against potential post-Parkland gun-grab; Peter Doocy reports from CPAC. Washington state Democrats are proposing an additional tax on residents for “the privilege of using ammunition” in an effort to decrease gun violence.

In an attempt to address the persistent issue of gun violence within the state, fifteen Washington state Democrats have introduced House Bill 2238, which seeks to impose a use and sales tax on the retail sale of ammunition. The legislation, citing the health and safety threat posed by gun violence, was referred to the state’s legislature’s committee on finance on Tuesday.

The proposed bill outlines that a use tax of a certain percentage of the selling price will be levied on every person in the state for the privilege of using ammunition as a consumer. The bill defines ammunition as projectiles designed to be fired from firearms, including shotgun shells, rifle cartridges, pistol cartridges, and revolver cartridges. If passed, this tax would be in addition to the existing federal, state, and local sales and use tax imposed on sales of goods and services.

However, the bill does not apply to sales made to state, local, or tribal governments for the purpose of supplying law enforcement agencies. The National Rifle Association (NRA) has expressed its opposition to the bill, with Aoibheann Cline, the NRA’s Washington director, calling it a “clear unconstitutional assault aimed at penalizing law-abiding citizens in Washington.” The NRA plans to fight against the legislation.

State Rep. Jim Walsh, chair of the Washington State Republican Party, criticized the bill, stating that the “arrogance and sanctimony of anti-2A (Second Amendment) extremists will be their undoing, even in ‘blue’ states.” He described the bill as poorly conceived and politically tone-deaf, noting that Washington residents from all political backgrounds currently reject state tax hikes.

Walsh also pointed out the reference to “the privilege of using ammunition” in the bill’s text, calling it amateurish rhetoric and emphasizing that owning and using firearms are rights, not privileges, protected by both federal and state constitutions. He cited Article 1, Section 24 of the Washington state constitution, which clearly states the right of individual citizens to bear arms for self-defense or the defense of the state.

The Democrats behind the legislation argue that gun violence remains a persistent health and safety threat in the state. They highlight alarming statistics, such as one person being killed by a firearm every 14 hours and nearly half of all suicides being firearm-related. The revenue generated from the proposed tax would be allocated to fund suicide prevention programs and initiatives aimed at reducing firearm-related domestic violence.

Digital has reached out to the Washington State Democratic Party for further comment on the bill.

Louis Casiano is a reporter for Digital. For story tips, please email [email protected]. Stay updated with the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and more political content by subscribing to our newsletter.

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