Democrats Criticize Biden Administration for Unauthorized Strikes in Yemen, Republicans Show Rare Support

Senior national correspondent Rich Edson provides the latest updates on the recent attacks in Yemen on ‘Special Report.’ House Democrats are expressing frustration with the Biden administration for launching strikes on Houthi positions in Yemen without seeking Congressional approval. Representative Ro Khanna, a Democrat from California, criticized the move, stating that the President should have consulted Congress before involving the US in another conflict in the Middle East. Khanna emphasized the importance of adhering to Article I of the Constitution, regardless of the party in power.

President Biden announced that the US, along with the UK, Canada, Australia, and Bahrain, conducted a coordinated airstrike in Yemen. The targets of the strike were locations used by Houthi rebels to disrupt freedom of navigation in a crucial waterway. However, some members of the Democratic Party, including Representative Rashida Tlaib from Michigan and Missouri Democrat Cori Bush, joined the chorus of criticism aimed at Biden for not seeking Congressional approval. Other Democrats, such as Representative Val Hoyle from Oregon, expressed their displeasure on social media, emphasizing that military involvement in overseas conflicts must receive authorization from Congress, regardless of party affiliation.

Representative Mark Pocan from Wisconsin cautioned that bypassing Congress could lead to further entanglement in foreign conflicts. He urged the White House to work with Congress before continuing airstrikes in Yemen to avoid risking a prolonged and unauthorized military involvement.

Interestingly, senior Republican lawmakers have expressed rare support for President Biden’s decision to strike Houthi targets. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell from Kentucky welcomed the US and coalition operations against the Iran-backed Houthi terrorists, citing their disruption of international commerce in the Red Sea and attacks on American vessels. McConnell praised Biden for his overdue decision to use military force against these Iranian proxies.

In justifying the strikes, President Biden highlighted the unprecedented Houthi attacks on international maritime vessels in the Red Sea, including the use of anti-ship ballistic missiles. These attacks have endangered US personnel, civilian mariners, and international trade while threatening freedom of navigation. According to Biden, over 50 nations have been affected by 27 attacks on international commercial shipping.

It is worth noting that Iran-backed Houthi rebels have been launching attacks against southern Israel and ships in the Red Sea since the beginning of Israel’s war with Hamas. This issue has caused a divide within the Democratic Party, with hardliners and progressives expressing more criticism of US-Israel relations and its military response in Gaza, while mainstream Democrats remain committed to supporting Israel as a Middle Eastern ally.

In conclusion, House Democrats are expressing their dissatisfaction with the Biden administration for launching airstrikes in Yemen without Congressional approval. Meanwhile, senior Republican lawmakers are surprisingly showing support for President Biden’s decision. The strikes were conducted in response to Houthi attacks on international maritime vessels, which have jeopardized trade and threatened freedom of navigation. The issue of Israel has also created divisions within the Democratic Party.

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