Corporations Warned of Reputational Risks Posed by AI Misuse During Contentious Election Year

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, corporations are being urged to remain vigilant about the reputational risks posed by bad actors who exploit artificial intelligence (AI) for their own political agendas. As the United States enters a contentious election year, the potential impact of AI on public perception has become a growing concern.

Matt Gorman, Vice President at Targeted Victory, a Stagwell company known for advising Republican campaigns and corporate clients, emphasized the need for companies to be proactive in addressing these risks. Speaking at CES 2024, Gorman highlighted the ability of AI to manipulate videos and create false narratives, which can quickly spread across the world before anyone has a chance to respond.

Companies that inject themselves into the political arena, intentionally or unintentionally, can find themselves under intense scrutiny and labeled as political actors. Gorman pointed to past examples, such as Disney and Bud Light, to illustrate the challenges faced by companies caught in this thicket. Responding to AI-generated misinformation can be compared to turning around a massive ship, with potential consequences ranging from damage to brand reputation to negative impacts on stock prices.

Gorman stressed the importance of companies having a general plan in place to address reputational crises, even if it may not be possible to anticipate every possible scenario. He advised companies to align their crisis response plans with their core values, ensuring that decision-makers are aware of the broad strategy to be implemented in the event of a crisis.

Amidst the current political climate, Gorman also acknowledged the risk of political activists, both within and outside companies, attempting to leverage corporate brands for their ideological aims. Companies must carefully consider whether engaging in political debates aligns with their values and is advantageous for their overall reputation.

Gorman cited examples of companies that have successfully maintained broad appeal by staying true to their values, such as Chick-fil-A and Patagonia. By consistently demonstrating authenticity and avoiding flip-flopping positions, these brands have garnered support from diverse consumer bases.

As AI technology continues to advance, the ability for bad actors to clone voices and generate fabricated language based on just a few seconds of audio poses a significant challenge. It is crucial for businesses to remain proactive and prepared to respond to reputational risks associated with AI misuse, particularly during an election year.

In conclusion, corporations are being urged to develop comprehensive plans to address the reputational risks posed by AI misuse. By aligning crisis response strategies with their core values, companies can better navigate potential challenges and maintain broad appeal. As the impact of AI on public perception becomes increasingly prominent, businesses must be proactive in protecting their brand reputation and responding swiftly to any false narratives that may arise.

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