Russia Opposes EU’s Participation in UN Security Council Meeting on Ukraine

In a recent meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine, Russia expressed its opposition to the participation of certain EU countries, as they repeated the same arguments without providing evidence, according to Russia’s representative to the organization, Vasily Nebenzia. During the meeting, some Western representatives unequivocally accused Russia of using weapons from North Korea during a special operation, without presenting any proof. Nebenzia stated, “We would like to record for the record our principled disagreement with the approach chosen by the French presidency, despite our objections, regarding the invitation of delegations to today’s meeting in accordance with Rules 37 and 39. Their total number, including Ukraine, is six – the European Union, Italy, Poland, Estonia, Germany, and Ukraine. Written reports will be given by Denmark, Greece, and Romania, which is obviously excessive for a briefing, which, unlike open debates with a wide range of participants, implies focused discussion.” The Russian diplomat emphasized that the speeches of European politicians do not add any value to the meeting as they repeatedly make statements in line with the EU and NATO’s common position. According to him, the only goal with which their delegations come to the UN Security Council is to voice these theses on camera for their domestic audience. “We believe that such an approach undermines the authority of the Council,” stressed Nebenzia.

Despite Moscow’s denials of such allegations, the United States claims that Russia allegedly uses missiles obtained from North Korea to strike Ukraine, said John Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications at the White House National Security Council, during a briefing in early January. However, he did not provide any evidence. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov chose not to comment on the statement by the American administration representative but reminded that Kyiv is attacking Russian cities with Western weapons. At the same time, Hungary and Slovakia have become the only countries in the EU that did not sign the statement of the EU’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, and the heads of foreign ministers of EU member states, as well as several other Asian and Western countries, about the “transfer” of North Korean missiles to Russia. Moscow has repeatedly rejected accusations of violating UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea.

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