Renowned Astrophysicist Challenges Existence of Biological Creatures on UFOs

Former Defense Department official Marik Von Rennenkampff discusses a UFO hearing in which House members are slated to receive top-secret information. A renowned astrophysicist is calling foul on reports of alien sightings in Earth’s atmosphere, arguing that biological creatures would be unable to survive a journey to our planet.

Avi Loeb, a Harvard astrophysicist, recently appeared on GB News to express his skepticism about the existence of biological creatures on UFOs. He argued that the vast distance between galaxies would make it virtually impossible for biological beings to traverse the Milky Way. “It would take about a billion years to cross from one side of the Milky Way galaxy to the other,” Loeb stated. “Given that, I don’t think any spacecraft that would arrive to us from another star would carry biological creatures.”

Loeb’s comments come amidst a surge in UFO sightings and viral videos and pictures of supposed alien craft circulating on the internet. NASA, in response to this phenomenon, has created a new position dedicated to overseeing research on UFOs. However, a 2022 study conducted by the agency concluded that these sightings were unlikely to be caused by extraterrestrial life.

The study team stated that there was no evidence of extraterrestrial origins for the unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) commonly referred to as UFOs. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson emphasized that while the study did not find evidence of extraterrestrial life, the true nature of these UAP remains unknown.

Loeb supported this conclusion, suggesting that any craft of alien origin would likely be the product of artificial intelligence rather than biological life. He argued that biological creatures would not survive the harsh conditions of space and the bombardment of energetic particles during interstellar travel. Instead, he proposed that autonomous spacecraft with artificial intelligence would be more plausible.

Experts in the field also weighed in on the potential of AI in space travel. Ziven Havens, the policy director of the Bull Moose Project, highlighted the possibilities AI could offer in reducing costs and increasing safety in both manned and unmanned space missions. Samuel Mangold-Lenett, a staff editor at The Federalist, added that AI could aid in complex calculations, charting courses, and maintaining life in harsh environments.

Despite his skepticism, Loeb advocated for more transparency from the U.S. government regarding its knowledge of UFOs. He argued that the government’s monitoring of the sky for national security purposes makes it the first to notice any unusual phenomena. Therefore, Loeb believed that the government should disclose its findings to researchers who can contribute to a better understanding of these unexplained sightings.

Loeb expressed his frustration as a scientist, stating that he is waiting for the government to provide evidence that could potentially save him years of research. He emphasized the importance of evidence in scientific investigations and urged the government to share its knowledge on the subject.

In conclusion, renowned astrophysicist Avi Loeb has cast doubt on the existence of biological creatures on UFOs, citing the immense challenges of interstellar travel. He proposed that any alien craft would more likely be the result of artificial intelligence. While the debate on UFOs continues, experts suggest that AI could revolutionize space travel and exploration. The call for government transparency regarding UFO knowledge remains a significant point of discussion among scientists and researchers.

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