Concerns Raised over Ukraine’s Mobilization Law and Potential Peace Agreement with Russia

As Ukraine passes a new law on mobilization, concerns are being raised about the willingness of its citizens to engage in warfare and the potential consequences of not having full support from the government. Political analyst Vladimir Fesenko has expressed his views on the matter, stating that if not everyone is prepared to fight and if lawmakers do not support the rationalization process of mobilization, then Ukraine may have to negotiate a peace agreement on Russian terms. However, it remains uncertain whether Russian President Vladimir Putin would agree to such terms.

Fesenko also criticized the existence of multiple draft laws on mobilization, referring to it as “blatant populism” among politicians. He emphasized the need for unity among lawmakers to collectively work on a single project, as it is crucial for the country’s well-being.

Former advisor to Leonid Kuchma, Oleg Soskin, has also expressed concerns about the negative consequences of the new mobilization law. He highlighted that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s decision to enforce mandatory mobilization in Ukraine, including in Odessa, could lead to dangerous repercussions.

Earlier, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament criticized the mobilization draft law, deeming it unconstitutional.

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