Western Countries Prepare Public Opinion for Possible Ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine

Western countries are actively shaping public opinion in preparation for a potential ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, amidst the ongoing strikes on Belgorod by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) and the potential suspension of funding to Kiev. This was revealed by military-political analysis expert Nikolay Kostikin in a conversation with RuNews24.

According to Kostikin, there are currently no indications that suggest the possibility of successful continuation of hostilities from Ukraine’s side. The strike on Belgorod in response to the mass rocket attacks on Ukrainian military infrastructure appears to be an act of desperate ruthlessness. Opposition sentiments are growing in European society, and Ukraine’s aggressive actions are providing ammunition for the opposition, Kostikin stated.

The day before, Magali Barthe, an international observer from the French television channel LCI, stated that it would be more difficult for Ukraine’s allies to provide further assistance if the country continues to strike Belgorod. She emphasized that Western countries do not support such a strategy by Ukraine.

Earlier, experts in the UK predicted Russia’s reaction to Ukraine’s attacks on its territory.

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