Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Surges in GOP Primary Race, Gaining Momentum Ahead of Iowa Caucus

In the highly anticipated GOP primary race, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is gaining significant momentum, according to key surrogates and campaign insiders. Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s recent suggestion that she might choose DeSantis as her running mate if she secures the nomination has further boosted his profile. Congressman Chip Roy, a prominent supporter of DeSantis on the 2024 presidential campaign trail, spoke to Digital about the governor’s surging popularity just days before the Iowa caucus.

While former President Trump maintains a comfortable lead over DeSantis in Iowa, with a roughly 30-point advantage in the polls, Roy believes that the enthusiasm and engagement he has witnessed on the ground indicate a closer race than anticipated. Roy emphasizes that polls may not accurately reflect actual voter turnout during the caucus. “The governor was at a massive church service in Des Moines that had like 2000 people… He’s been doing event after event after event. Thomas Massie and I have been with him standing room only in a lot of places, people packed in, packed house,” Roy said.

Roy dismisses rumors that DeSantis would drop out of the presidential race after the caucus, labeling them as “a total lie.” He highlights the governor’s tireless campaign efforts, including visits to all 99 counties in Iowa and participation in over 200 events. Roy believes that DeSantis’s trajectory is strongly upward, while the stock of both Trump and Haley is declining.

One of the key factors contributing to DeSantis’s growing appeal among Iowa voters is his commitment to fulfilling the promises made by former President Trump. Roy asserts that DeSantis is not a “Never Trumper” but rather someone who believes in completing the unfinished agenda of the previous administration. The message that DeSantis can deliver on Trump’s unfulfilled promises, including building a wall, addressing birthright citizenship, and repealing Obamacare, resonates with voters who feel let down by the former president.

Immigration and the economy are identified as the top concerns for Iowa voters, and Roy argues that DeSantis has shown strong leadership in addressing these issues. He cites examples such as DeSantis flying illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, sparking a crucial conversation, and his successful handling of Florida’s economy.

While acknowledging that Trump’s legal issues may unfairly influence the perception of voters, Roy cautions against risking another loss in the presidential election. He believes that Iowa voters recognize the importance of preserving freedom and view DeSantis as a proven governor who has delivered on his promises.

Despite Trump’s current lead in the polls, Roy predicts a closer race than anticipated in Monday’s caucus. He suggests keeping a close eye on whether the former president can secure a majority of votes in Iowa, expressing skepticism that he will. On the other hand, Roy expects DeSantis to outperform expectations.

In conclusion, Governor Ron DeSantis is experiencing a surge in popularity in the GOP primary race, with key surrogates and campaign insiders predicting a strong performance in the Iowa caucus. While former President Trump maintains a lead in the polls, DeSantis’s engagement with voters and his commitment to fulfilling Trump’s promises resonate with Iowa voters. As the race unfolds, the outcome in Iowa will provide significant insights into the trajectory of the 2024 presidential campaign.

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