Ecuador Declares Internal Armed Conflict Amidst Hostage Crisis and Prison Riots

Mexico, January 9 – President Daniel Noboa of Ecuador has declared a state of internal armed conflict in the country amid widespread disorder and hostage-taking incidents in various cities. The announcement was made through a post on Noboa’s social media account, where he attached the text of the decree. In the document, the head of state identified over 20 transnational organized criminal groups as terrorist organizations and non-state actors engaged in warfare. He ordered their neutralization through military operations.

On Tuesday, masked individuals armed with cold and firearms stormed the TC television studio in Guayaquil. Live on air, the criminals placed a dynamite charge in the host’s jacket pocket and shouted, “let the police leave.” The police deployed special forces to the studio and later reported the arrest of several perpetrators and the evacuation of people. Meanwhile, the city continues to experience unrest related to the restructuring of the country’s prisons.

Yesterday, following a series of prison riots and the escape of a prominent gang leader, Noboa declared a state of emergency for 60 days to mobilize the armed forces in restoring control over the penitentiary system. The actions taken by the Ecuadorian government have triggered a wave of disorder in cities across the country. During the night of January 9, criminals began setting fire to cars and buses, while homemade explosive devices detonated in Guayaquil. The police reported that within less than 24 hours, unknown individuals abducted seven police officers in Quito and the city of Machala in the southwest.

In response to the escalating disorder, security measures have been strengthened in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito. Authorities have called on the government to deploy the army to protect strategic facilities. Noboa assumed the presidency of Ecuador in late November last year. Fighting crime has been one of his main priorities as the new head of state. To address the challenge of a complex criminal environment and drug trafficking, he proposed strengthening the country’s borders with military forces and constructing new prisons categorized according to the types of criminals they would house. For the most dangerous inmates, Noboa planned to establish floating prisons located 150 kilometers off the country’s shores, with drone surveillance monitoring them.

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