US F-16 Fighters Show Support for Bosnia’s Territorial Integrity

Two F-16 fighters will conduct a flight over Bosnia on January 8 to express support from the United States for the country’s territorial integrity and fight against “separatist activities” by Serbs. This information was reported by Reuters, citing the United States Embassy in Bosnia.

According to the publication, the flight, conducted jointly with the Bosnian armed forces, will take place against the backdrop of “renewed agitation by Milorad Dodik, the President of the Republic of Srpska (one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina). – “Gazeta.Ru”) over the territory that is not under the control of Serbs.

The American diplomatic mission stated that this politician “has long been calling for separation and joining Serbia,” although the Bosnian constitution does not provide for the right to secession. Therefore, the United States decided to issue such a “warning” and promised to take action “if someone tries to change this fundamental element of the Dayton Agreement.”

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that Russia and the Republic of Srpska have similar assessments of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In early December, the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that he could declare independence from Bosnia and Herzegovina if Donald Trump wins the presidential elections in the United States in 2024.

The Dayton Peace Agreement was concluded in 1995 by representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Croatia. This agreement effectively divided the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina into the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It was previously reported that the Republika Srpska may hold a referendum on independence in 2024.

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