New Hampshire Defies DNC, Upholds Tradition of First-in-the-Nation Primary

In a heated exchange between Republican presidential rivals Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, tensions rise as Haley suggests that New Hampshire voters “correct” the results of the Iowa caucuses. The Republican attorney general of New Hampshire has criticized the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for making “false, deceptive, and misleading” comments about the state’s primary. This latest development highlights the ongoing feud between the DNC and New Hampshire Democrats, who have held the first primary in the race for the White House for over a century.

For years, Democrats have criticized both Iowa and New Hampshire, arguing that their predominantly white populations and lack of major urban areas make them unrepresentative of the party as a whole. Nevada and South Carolina, which have more diverse electorates, were added to the calendar to address these concerns. However, New Hampshire has a law mandating that it holds the first primary, a week ahead of any similar contest. Despite pressure from the DNC, New Hampshire refused to change its schedule, citing its state law and the Republican-controlled government.

As a result, the DNC has threatened sanctions, potentially leading to the loss of half of New Hampshire’s delegates to the national convention. Furthermore, President Biden has chosen not to participate in the unsanctioned primary, which has prompted Granite State Democrats to launch a write-in campaign to support him. The DNC’s letter to the state party chair emphasized that the January 23rd primary is non-binding and meaningless, but the state attorney general’s office argues that this characterization is false and misleading.

New Hampshire Democrats, including longtime state party chair Ray Buckley, remain committed to following state law and conducting the first-in-the-nation primary. Many Democrats in both Iowa and New Hampshire view the changes to the calendar as sour grapes from Biden, who performed poorly in both states during the 2020 primary before gaining momentum in later contests. While Biden is the frontrunner for the nomination, there are concerns among Democrats over his age and a desire for new leadership.

The move by the president and the DNC to revamp the nominating calendar, coupled with Biden’s absence from the primary ballot, could potentially impact his performance in New Hampshire. There is apprehension among Granite Staters that this could lead to a setback for Biden in the state’s primary. The situation continues to unfold as New Hampshire remains steadfast in upholding its tradition of hosting the first-in-the-nation primary, defying the DNC’s attempts to change the schedule.

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