Missouri Catholic Priest Found Guilty of Soliciting Sex During Confession, Faces Church Sanctions

A Catholic priest in Missouri has been found guilty by the church of soliciting sex from an adult during a confession, an act that has been described as “a sacrilege” and a “grave form of abuse.” Father Ignazio Medina of the Diocese of Jefferson City has been prohibited from holding office in the church, hearing confessions, and celebrating or leading Mass publicly without explicit permission from his diocesan bishop.

The Diocese of Jefferson City received a report on April 15, 2022, through its abuse hotline, alleging sexual solicitation of an adult during the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In response, Bishop W. Shawn McKnight launched an investigation and placed temporary restrictions on Medina, including a ban on hearing confessions and being alone with anyone other than his family on church property.

On November 27, 2023, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome found Medina guilty by decree. Medina did not appeal the decision. The Code of Canon Law states that a priest who solicits a penitent to sin against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue during confession is to be punished according to the gravity of the offense, which can include suspension, prohibitions, privations, and in more severe cases, dismissal from the clerical state.

Bishop McKnight emphasized the seriousness of sexual solicitation during confession, calling it a sacrilege, a crime, and a grave form of abuse that cannot be tolerated. He urged the Church to continue working to eradicate abuse and asked for prayers for those affected by such abuses of power. Medina has been informed that he will only be allowed to celebrate or concelebrate Mass publicly in limited circumstances, such as funeral Masses for his immediate family, the gathering of priests at their annual conference, and the Chrism Mass during Holy Week.

Despite the sanctions, Medina remains a priest of the Diocese of Jefferson City and continues to receive support as a retired priest. Bishop McKnight expressed gratitude to the victim for coming forward and thanked all those involved in the investigation and disciplinary process. He also acknowledged the dedication of clergy, parish staff, and parishioners in ensuring the implementation of diocesan Safe Environment protocols.

This is not the first time Medina has faced disciplinary action. In April 2023, he was found guilty of abuse of ecclesiastical power for transferring around $300,000 in parish funds to personal accounts.

The Catholic Church has been grappling with numerous cases of sexual abuse by clergy members in recent years, prompting calls for greater transparency, accountability, and prevention measures. The revelations have caused significant damage to the Church’s reputation and have led to a loss of trust among its followers.

As the Church continues to address cases of abuse and work towards healing and renewal, it is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of individuals and ensure that such acts are thoroughly investigated and appropriately addressed.

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