Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Breaks Tradition by Endorsing Ron DeSantis over Trump Ahead of Iowa Caucuses

As the Iowa caucus nears, Republican Governor Kim Reynolds has made a surprising move by breaking with tradition and endorsing a rival of former President Donald Trump. This decision by Reynolds, who has been closely associated with Trump, is seen as a test of her power and a potential gamble that could alienate her from Trump’s base of supporters. The Iowa caucuses, the first major contest of the United States presidential race, are only days away, adding intrigue to Reynolds’ endorsement.

Traditionally, Iowa governors have remained neutral ahead of the caucuses. However, facing pressure from Trump to pick a side, Reynolds made the decision to back Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. This move has raised questions about her motivations and the potential benefits she hopes to gain by supporting DeSantis over Trump.

Some analysts believe that Reynolds’ decision was driven by political pragmatism. She has expressed doubts about Trump’s ability to win the general election and sees DeSantis as a younger and more future-oriented candidate. Others speculate that behind-the-scenes friction between Reynolds and Trump played a role in her endorsement. Reynolds and DeSantis formed a bond during the COVID-19 pandemic when their states resisted federal health recommendations, and she may have seen the endorsement as a way to position herself for a potential vice presidential role.

Reynolds’ endorsement of DeSantis marks a significant reversal for the Iowa Republican, whose political rise was closely tied to Trump. When Trump won the 2016 elections, Reynolds, then lieutenant governor, inherited the executive seat and became Iowa’s first female governor. She embraced her association with Trump and appeared alongside him during campaigns. Despite Trump’s loss in the 2020 election and his false claims of voter fraud, Reynolds remained supportive and called for unity.

Reynolds’ endorsement of DeSantis has raised questions about potential backlash from Trump supporters. However, some analysts believe that Reynolds’ conservative policies and her alignment with Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan will help insulate her from any negative consequences. There is even speculation that a reconciliation could occur if Trump becomes the party’s nominee in 2024.

Trump himself has warned of dire consequences for Reynolds, stating that her endorsement of DeSantis would be “the end of her political career.” Trump’s backing still holds significant weight in states like Iowa, where deference to him has been crucial for Republican candidates. Some Iowa Republicans also view Reynolds’ endorsement as undermining the impartiality of the caucuses.

Despite potential risks, Reynolds’ enduring appeal is evident in the fact that both Trump and DeSantis campaigned in part on her support leading up to the Iowa caucuses. The Trump campaign even released an advertisement highlighting Reynolds’ past appearances with the former president, emphasizing her praise for his track record while conveniently omitting her endorsement of DeSantis.

As the Iowa caucuses approach, Reynolds’ endorsement of DeSantis has added a new layer of intrigue to the already high-stakes presidential race. Whether her gamble will pay off and solidify her rising star status in the Republican Party remains to be seen.

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