Nicaraguan Catholic Bishop Sentenced to Decades in Prison for Refusing Exile to the US

The Biden Administration has once again condemned the Nicaraguan government for the imprisonment of Roman Catholic bishop Rolando Álvarez. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller demanded the immediate release of Álvarez, who has spent over 500 days in prison, calling his incarceration unjust. A court in Nicaragua sentenced the bishop to more than 26 years in prison last February, accusing him of undermining national integrity and spreading false news. Álvarez chose to remain in Nicaragua in protest against the government’s crackdown on the Catholic Church. The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has accused the Nicaraguan government of shutting down charities, stripping universities of funding, eliminating non-governmental organizations, and banning news media.

The Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega, has labeled the prisoners as “criminal mercenaries” and alleged that Catholic leaders were involved in a plot to overthrow him. Pope Francis has compared Álvarez’s imprisonment to Hitler’s regime and criticized Ortega as “unstable.” Several other religious leaders, including Bishop Isidoro Mora and several priests, are also detained in Nicaragua. U.S. officials have accused Ortega’s administration of crimes against humanity and have imposed sanctions on the Nicaraguan government.

However, New Jersey Republican Rep. Chris Smith argues that the Biden administration has not done enough to address Nicaragua’s erosion of civil society and its growing relationship with foreign adversaries like China, Russia, and Iran. Smith calls for concrete steps to punish the regime, such as imposing sanctions on Nicaraguan banks and fully implementing the requirements of the RENACER Act. This act extends sanctions against Nicaragua in connection to corruption and human rights violations. Smith also suggests reviewing Nicaragua’s participation in the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement to deprive Ortega’s government of significant export earnings and foreign investment.

Smith, a staunch advocate of religious freedom, has held congressional hearings in support of Álvarez’s release and has requested a meeting with Ortega. He emphasizes the importance of government action in making a difference and preventing further imprisonment and mistreatment of church members. Local reports have claimed that Nicaraguan authorities have beaten priests who have prayed for Álvarez.

It is crucial for the international community to address the violation of religious freedom and civil liberties in Nicaragua. The imprisonment of Bishop Álvarez and other religious leaders highlights the need for action to protect fundamental human rights in the country.

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