Rising Attacks on U.S. Judges Highlight Need for Enhanced Security Measures

Violence against U.S. judges is becoming an increasingly concerning issue, experts say, following a recent incident where a defendant brutally attacked a Nevada judge who denied him probation. The attack, captured on video and widely shared on social media, shows the defendant, Deobra Redden, launching himself at Clark County District Court Judge Mary Kay Holthus and a marshal after his request for probation was denied.

Experts have noted that there appears to be a growing trend of lawlessness in various parts of the country, with a lack of accountability for those who commit acts of violence against others or property. This trend is attributed to bond reform and lenient prosecution policies that have been implemented in certain jurisdictions. Perpetrators who are not held accountable are emboldened to act out, especially in cases where mental illness may be a factor.

Kevin Ellmann, a former senior deputy district attorney, emphasizes that attacks against judges are rare but consistent with recent threats and protests targeting judges outside of courtrooms and even at their private residences. He warns that without public accountability for such attacks on the justice system, including judges, prosecutors, attorneys, and witnesses, these incidents are likely to increase in frequency and severity.

Retired Lt. Randy Sutton, a 30-year law enforcement veteran, acknowledges that physical attacks on judges inside courtrooms are relatively rare due to the presence of security personnel. However, attacks on judges outside of courtrooms, threats, and protests at their homes have been reported. Sutton points out that the lack of consequences or perceived lack of consequences for threats and violence fuels these crimes.

According to the U.S. Marshals Service, approximately 4,500 threats were made against U.S. judges in 2022 alone. Some perpetrators even plot to kill judges, resulting in tragic cases like the murder of Maryland Circuit Court Judge Andrew Wilkinson and the killing of retired Juneau County Judge John Roemer. These incidents highlight the need for enhanced security measures to protect judges.

Judge Esther Salas, who lost her son in a targeted attack, believes that more laws should be enacted to safeguard the 30,000 judges in the United States. While President Biden signed the Daniel Anderl Judicial Security and Privacy Act into law to protect judges’ personal information, Salas argues that further steps must be taken to ensure judges’ safety both inside and outside the courtroom. This includes considering the hardening of courthouses and implementing stricter protocols.

The recent attack on Judge Holthus serves as a reminder of the constant threats judges face. It highlights the urgency for comprehensive measures to protect the judiciary and prevent targeted crimes against judges. Greater security measures, coupled with accountability for those who commit acts of violence, are crucial in maintaining the integrity and safety of the justice system.

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