Nikki Haley Receives Major Boost from Koch Brothers’ Political Wing in Presidential Campaign

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley has received a significant boost in her campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP Action), the political wing of the influential and deep-pocketed fiscally conservative network founded by the billionaire Koch Brothers, has launched a new phase in its large ad and grassroots effort on behalf of Haley’s campaign.

The ad blitz, which includes mailers, digital ads, and connected TV spots, will run in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, as well as in Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. AFP Action has pledged to spend tens of millions of dollars to help push the Republican Party past former President Donald Trump, as it endorses Haley. The organization is putting an initial $27 million behind this new wave in their ongoing campaign.

Recent polls of the 2024 presidential election indicate that Haley is topping President Biden by larger margins than Trump does in hypothetical general election matchups. The narrator in AFP Action’s ad emphasizes this and highlights Haley’s proven conservative fighting spirit. The ad also criticizes President Biden, mentioning the ongoing criminal trials for President Trump and the perceived bias of the liberal media.

Despite Trump’s commanding lead in the polls and his history-making indictments, Haley has gained momentum in recent months. She has caught up to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in national and Iowa polls, and has even surpassed him in New Hampshire. The AFP Action endorsement has provided Haley with significant grassroots outreach and organizational strength, similar to what DeSantis has enjoyed with the support of the super PAC Never Back Down.

AFP Action’s endorsement aligns with Haley’s electability argument, which she has consistently made on the campaign trail. Polls suggest that Haley would be a stronger candidate against Biden than Trump would be. AFP Action director Nathan Nascimento stated that Haley is by far the strongest candidate Republicans could run against Biden, boosting Republicans up and down the ballot.

However, Trump’s political orbit discounts the effort, claiming that no amount of money can break the bond President Trump has with voters. Karoline Leavitt, spokesperson for the Trump-aligned super PAC Make America Great Again Inc, expressed skepticism following AFP Action’s endorsement of Haley.

In conclusion, Haley’s campaign has received a significant boost with the support of AFP Action, the political wing of the Koch Brothers’ conservative network. The ad blitz and grassroots effort aim to position Haley as the strongest candidate to stop President Biden and elect Republicans across the country. Despite Trump’s lead in the polls, Haley has gained momentum and narrowed the gap, thanks to the major assist from the AFP Action endorsement. However, Trump’s political orbit remains confident in his bond with voters and discounts the effort.

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