Conservative Latino Activist Ben Luna Warns Democrats Are Losing Support of Hispanic Voters

In an exclusive interview with Digital, Ben Luna, a conservative Latino activist and Republican candidate running for New Mexico’s Democrat-held Senate seat, expressed his concerns about the Democratic Party’s policies that he believes do not align with the values of Hispanic voters. Luna, who has never held elected office and currently serves as the state director for the New Mexico LEXIT movement, highlighted the growing disillusionment among Latinos with the Democrats and their shift towards supporting conservative values. Luna’s observations raise the possibility of New Mexico, a state with nearly 50% Hispanic population, flipping red in the upcoming November elections.

One of the key issues that Luna identified as a deal-breaker for Latino voters is the Democrats’ push for trans ideologies in schools. Luna argued that this not only violates the conscience of parents but is especially concerning for Latinos and Hispanics. He emphasized that once Democrats cross this line, they risk losing access to the Latino community’s support permanently. Recent polls indicate that Republicans are making significant gains among Latino voters, with one survey even showing former President Donald Trump leading President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 rematch.

Luna attributed the increasing support for Republicans among Latinos to the Democrats’ relentless pursuit of policies that need to be challenged through voting and fixing the education system. He drew parallels with the tactics employed by communists and socialists in history, highlighting their focus on influencing children to shape future generations. Luna’s aim is to inform Democrats in strongholds like Albuquerque and northern parts of the state about the legislation supported by their party, which often goes unnoticed. He believes that once Democrats become aware of these policies, they will distance themselves and potentially become Republican volunteers.

Despite analysts and pollsters viewing New Mexico as a safe seat for Democrats, Luna remains optimistic about Republicans’ chances based on recent election results. He pointed out that the state’s economy suffered due to Draconian policies and mandates imposed by Democrats during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to an exodus of residents. Luna argued that adding transgender ideology and bypassing parental consent to these policies will further drive people towards the Republican Party.

Luna’s campaign focuses on upholding America’s founding principles and prioritizing border security, particularly in light of the influx of migrants under the Biden administration. He emphasized the importance of secure borders, citing the experiences of Israel and the potential risks for New Mexico and America if borders are not enforced.

Currently, Luna faces no major contenders in the race for the Republican Senate nomination, positioning him as a strong candidate to potentially challenge incumbent two-term Democrat Sen. Martin Heinrich in the general election. The primary is scheduled for June 4, and candidates have until February 6 to file for the race.

As the 2024 campaign trail unfolds, Luna’s perspective sheds light on the shifting dynamics among Hispanic voters and the potential impact on future elections. Stay updated with the latest developments and exclusive interviews at our Digital election hub.

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