Israeli Army’s Mixed Successes and Failures in the War on Gaza

As we enter 2024, the Israeli army finds itself reflecting on both successes and failures in its ongoing war on Gaza. The recent coordinated and brutal attacks by Hamas on October 7 caught the country’s defense, intelligence, and security organizations off guard, leading to slow and inadequate responses. The humiliation of the entire establishment prompted the creation of an emergency unity government, mainly comprised of belligerent right-wing factions, and a massive mobilization of 360,000 reservists.

After three weeks of continuous indiscriminate bombardment, the Israeli army finally crossed into Gaza. In over two months of ground combat, they managed to cut Gaza into three parts, surrounding Gaza City and isolating Khan Younis. However, despite claiming to be close to their goal of defeating Hamas and boasting about the elimination of 8,500 fighters, the Israeli military’s performance has been inconsistent across various aspects of the armed and diplomatic response.

From a pure military standpoint, Israel has achieved some success by conducting complex operations in urban terrain. They have advanced steadily but cautiously, successfully integrating different units with diverse backgrounds and training. However, the military has yet to neutralize Hamas fighting units, failing to fully achieve their objectives. Hamas, on the other hand, has suffered fewer losses than Israel claims, with an estimated 3,500 fighters killed so far.

The high number of Israeli officers and non-commissioned officers killed in battle highlights the disparity in the attitudes towards losses between the two sides. While Hamas fighters are ideologically motivated and view death as martyrdom, Israeli society, heavily militarized, has a lower tolerance for casualties. This was evident when the Golani Brigade, a highly decorated unit, was pulled from combat after losing 72 soldiers.

Furthermore, despite their technological prowess, the Israeli forces have struggled to decisively destroy the Hamas tunnel network. While they possess the capability to flood tunnels with seawater, they have yet to utilize this tactic. The goal of liberating remaining captives has also not been achieved, and the Israeli incursion into Gaza resulted in the unintentional killing of three captives attempting to surrender.

On the technological front, the Israeli military has demonstrated its prowess, with new weapons and systems successfully integrated with old ones. The Eitan armored fighting vehicle and other new products like the Iron Sting smart mortar and reconnaissance drones have proven valuable in reducing losses during urban combat. Existing products, such as body cameras and gun cams, have become widespread.

However, despite these successes, none of the military’s technological advancements have been game-changers. The Israeli propaganda machine has also faced limited success in selling its official line, with attempts to equate Hamas with ISIS failing to gain traction globally. Furthermore, Israel’s claims of minimizing civilian harm and abiding by international law have been met with skepticism, even within Israel itself.

The deliberate, disproportionate, and brutal overreaction of the Israeli military has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians. While the exact number is still debated, it is clear that a significant number of civilians, including a large number of children, have been killed intentionally or due to negligence. This has drawn condemnation from people across the globe, who believe that these civilian deaths will have long-lasting consequences for Israel.

In conclusion, the Israeli army’s war on Gaza has seen both successes and failures. While they have made progress in some military aspects, their inability to neutralize Hamas fighting units and their disproportionate response resulting in civilian casualties has raised questions about their overall effectiveness. The international community continues to monitor the situation closely, as the impact of this conflict will have far-reaching consequences for Israel.

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