Former CIA Analyst Warns of Intelligence Community’s Efforts to Interfere with 2024 Election

Former CIA intelligence analyst Dr. John Gentry has raised concerns about the influence of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts and the politicization of the intelligence community. In an exclusive interview with Digital, Dr. Gentry, who is also the author of the book “Neutering the CIA: Why US Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences,” expressed confidence that intelligence agencies will attempt to interfere in the 2024 election, similar to their efforts in 2020.

Dr. Gentry explained that he believes the “deep state” within the intelligence community will reemerge because a Republican candidate is likely to be perceived as a threat to internal policies favored by many intelligence officials. He referred to the infamous Hunter Biden laptop letter, signed by 51 former intelligence officials, which attempted to discredit the laptop’s contents as a Russian information operation. Surprisingly, documents obtained by Digital revealed that the CIA approved the publication of the letter.

According to Dr. Gentry, downplaying the Hunter Biden laptop was a clear political move with the intent to help the Biden campaign. He added that there have been recent signs indicating that current or former intelligence agency members will be politically active in the upcoming election. Dr. Gentry specifically mentioned a recent article by former CIA official Marc Polymeropoulos and former FBI employee Asha Rangappa, which warned about the dangers of Trump’s rhetoric.

The introduction of DEI policies at major intelligence agencies, including the CIA, has been a major issue over the past few decades, according to Dr. Gentry. He argues that these policies have shifted attention away from day-to-day operations and towards a more “woke” political agenda. The politicization of the intelligence community, driven by former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, has had a negative effect on morale among rank-and-file workers.

Dr. Gentry hopes that his book will shed light on the significant political problem within the intelligence agencies. He believes that former members of the intel community saw their effectiveness in damaging Trump during the 2020 election without facing any criticism. As a result, he predicts a reemergence of activism in the upcoming election.

CIA Director William Burns has addressed the issue of politicization within the intelligence community, emphasizing the importance of offering unbiased intelligence. He acknowledged the challenges of providing inconvenient information to policymakers but stressed the crucial role of providing honest analysis.

It is important to note that this article reflects the views expressed by Dr. Gentry and does not represent a comprehensive analysis of the intelligence community or its actions.

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