California Governor Gavin Newsom Faces Opposition Over Second Amendment Restrictions

Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing backlash over a new law that restricts gun owners from carrying firearms in public spaces. The law, set to go into effect on New Year’s Day, was temporarily put on hold by a federal appeals court after gun owners and pro-Second Amendment organizations filed a lawsuit against it.

The court described the law as “sweeping, repugnant to the Second Amendment, and openly defiant of the Supreme Court.” U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney criticized the law for infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens to carry firearms for self-defense. The law would prohibit gun owners from carrying firearms in 26 types of “sensitive” places and would also apply to permit holders. It would also require owners to obtain permission from privately owned businesses to carry concealed weapons on their premises.

The temporary injunction, granted on December 20, has been put on hold until another panel of judges from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals determines if a longer hold on the law is necessary. This move comes after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against a similar law in New York in June 2022, stating that gun laws must be consistent with the nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.

Critics argue that the new law disregards the Supreme Court’s ruling in the New York case and is an attempt by progressive politicians to bypass the court’s mandate. Chuck Michel, president of the California Rifle and Pistol Association, stated, “California progressive politicians refuse to accept the Supreme Court’s mandate from the [New York] Bruen case and are trying every creative ploy they can imagine to get around it.”

California Secretary of State Rob Bonta has announced plans to appeal the court’s ruling, while Governor Newsom expressed his support for the law and vowed to continue the legal battle. Newsom believes that the law is necessary to ensure the safety of public spaces such as hospitals, libraries, and children’s playgrounds.

The issue of gun control continues to be a contentious one in the United States, with advocates for stricter regulations arguing for public safety, while supporters of the Second Amendment emphasize the right to self-defense. This case in California highlights the ongoing debate surrounding gun rights and the limits of government intervention in regulating firearms.

It is important to note that this article reflects the viewpoints of various stakeholders involved in the issue, and does not represent a definitive stance on the matter.

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