Chinese Spy Craft Communicated with Mainland China Using US Internet Provider, Raises Concerns

Retired Rear Adm. Mark Montgomery has raised concerns about China’s recent actions, specifically its operational preparation of the environment. A new report has revealed that a Chinese spy craft, which flew over the United States earlier this year, was communicating with mainland China through an American internet provider. This development has sparked alarm among officials, as it highlights potential security risks and raises questions about the use of US infrastructure by foreign entities.

According to NBC News, two current and one former Biden administration officials disclosed that the spy craft primarily used the US internet provider for navigational communications. The report did not disclose the name of the internet provider, but the company itself has denied any involvement after conducting its own investigation and consulting with US officials.

Officials revealed that the spy craft utilized high-bandwidth burst transmissions to send information and that the Biden administration had sought a highly secretive order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to monitor its communications during its flight over several states. This move reflects concerns over potential intelligence gathering by the Chinese government.

The report further details China’s past use of commercial internet providers in different nations as backup communications networks, often seeking encrypted networks for added security. This raises concerns about the vulnerability of such networks and the potential exploitation by foreign actors.

The Chinese embassy spokesperson, Liu Pengyu, dismissed the spy craft as a weather balloon that had unintentionally drifted into the US due to meteorological conditions. However, officials remain skeptical of this explanation, especially considering China’s history of covert activities.

Despite assurances from the Biden administration that the Chinese spy balloon did not collect or transmit data, a previously unreported phone call between President Biden’s top military adviser, Gen. Mark Milley, and NORAD chief Gen. Glen VanHerck suggests otherwise. The call sheds new light on the administration’s handling of the surveillance balloon, with reports indicating an initial intention to keep its existence a secret from Congress and the public.

While a senior Biden administration official denied allegations of concealment, claiming decisions were made to protect sensitive intelligence capabilities, the revelations of this phone call raise questions about transparency and accountability within the administration.

This latest incident underscores the ongoing concerns surrounding China’s surveillance and intelligence activities and their potential impact on national security. It also highlights the need for heightened vigilance and robust safeguards to protect critical infrastructure from foreign interference. As the US continues to navigate complex geopolitical challenges, maintaining a comprehensive understanding of potential threats is crucial for safeguarding national interests.

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