Congress Passes Minibus Funding Bill, Leaves Key Decisions Pending for the Upcoming Fiscal Year

The Senate has passed a joint “minibus” package containing three of the 12 appropriations bills, leaving crucial decisions pending after the holiday recess. As the deadline for Congress to agree on funding most government programs and agencies in the upcoming fiscal year draws near, lawmakers have yet to make significant progress. The bill now heads to President Biden’s desk for his signature.

In November, the Senate approved funding extensions for the Agriculture, military construction and Veterans Affairs, and Transportation bills, stretching until September 2024. However, no funding bills have been considered since then, despite the Appropriations Committee’s bipartisan approval of the 12 spending bills. The House also passed a temporary extension of last year’s government funding levels, but with separate deadlines.

Lawmakers are required to pass appropriations bills for military construction and Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, Energy and Water, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development by January 19. The remaining eight appropriations bills must be worked out by February 2. If these deadlines are missed, a short-term continuing resolution (CR) will be needed to stretch funding until September 30. Failure to do so would trigger the Fiscal Responsibility Act, resulting in a 1% across-the-board cut of over $50 billion starting in April.

After the minibus vote, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer emphasized the importance of bipartisanship in a divided government. He criticized the House for passing partisan, extremist legislation that has no chance of becoming law. Speaker Mike Johnson led the House in approving an appropriations bill that slashes the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget while pushing for increased energy and mineral production on public lands. However, Senate Democrats have indicated that the bill lacks sufficient support in the upper chamber.

Some GOP lawmakers expressed concern before the holiday recess about the lack of appropriation bills being brought to the floor. Schumer has yet to schedule any votes on appropriations-related bills when the Senate returns on January 8. Instead, the first vote will be on confirming John A. Kazen of Texas as a U.S. district judge for the Southern District of Texas. Before the recess, Senator Rick Scott criticized Schumer’s focus on passing an omnibus bill rather than individual spending bills.

Several government agencies, including Homeland Security, Energy and Water, Labor and Education, still require funding. The Senate previously approved a $1.7 trillion omnibus bill for government programs throughout 2023. When lawmakers return in January, they will also need to address a border security measure to be included in the national supplemental security package, which aims to provide aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

In summary, Congress has passed a minibus funding bill but leaves crucial decisions pending for the upcoming fiscal year. Lawmakers have yet to pass the majority of the appropriations bills, and the deadline is quickly approaching. Bipartisanship and the potential for an omnibus bill are key points of contention between Republicans and Democrats. The Senate will face a busy agenda upon their return, including confirming judicial nominees and addressing border security measures.

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