Pro-Palestinian Protesters Target US Officials’ Homes on Christmas Morning

Pro-Palestinian protesters made their presence known on Christmas morning as they gathered outside the homes of U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. The demonstrations took place in Virginia and Washington, D.C., respectively, and attracted a significant police presence.

These two officials are key foreign affairs advisers to President Biden, and their homes became the center of attention for the protesters. Chanting slogans such as “Austin, Austin, rise and shine, no sleep during genocide!” the demonstrators expressed their opposition to Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists.

The People’s Forum, a far-left organization, shared several video clips of the protests on social media. They also called on their supporters to participate in a protest in New York City on Christmas Day, urging them to bring candles, rubble, and materials for a nativity scene.

Other groups joined the chorus online, using various platforms to voice their support for the Christmas Day protests in Washington, D.C. The demonstrations aimed to draw attention to the Palestinian cause and put pressure on U.S. policymakers.

The non-partisan group Stop Antisemitism condemned the protesters’ actions, stating, “Pro-Palestinian agitators show up to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s home and harass him, as well as his entire neighborhood, this Christmas morning. We’re not sure who needs to hear this, but harassing a four-star general who has served his country his entire career will not ‘Free Palestine.'”

The authorities warned the protesters of potential arrests if they did not disperse. It remains uncertain whether Austin and Sullivan were present during the disturbances. The White House has yet to issue a comment on the matter.

The incident highlights the ongoing tensions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the efforts of various groups to raise awareness and influence U.S. foreign policy. As the Biden administration continues to navigate these challenges, protests and demonstrations are likely to remain a part of the political landscape.

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