Bizarre Crimes of 2023: From Bigfoot Statue Theft to Chicken-Wielding Woman

2023 witnessed a series of truly peculiar crimes that left both law enforcement and the public scratching their heads in disbelief. From a stolen 17-inch Bigfoot statue to a woman assaulting her boyfriend with a whole chicken, these incidents brought a whole new meaning to the term “strange.” Let’s take a closer look at five of the most bizarre crimes that police had to deal with last year.

In Cleveland, Ohio, a 17-inch Bigfoot statue was stolen from an art store during the overnight hours of November 8-9. What made this theft even more unusual was the thief’s behavior after committing the crime. Rather than making a quick getaway, the suspect was captured on security video idling in front of the crime scene for approximately 15 minutes. To everyone’s surprise, the thief left behind two envelopes at the scene. One contained $6 in cash, while the other held a blue marble. The whereabouts of the stolen statue remain unknown.

In Eagle Lake, Minnesota, a domestic violence situation took an unexpected turn when a woman allegedly used a whole chicken to assault her boyfriend. The incident was reported to the police by a concerned neighbor who heard screams in the background during the 911 call. Responding officers discovered the victim with chicken residue in his hair. The woman was subsequently arrested and charged with misdemeanor domestic assault.

Meanwhile, in Glendale, Wisconsin, a group of four teenagers led police on a wild, high-speed chase. During the pursuit, they recklessly rammed through traffic barrels, collided with oncoming cars, and eventually crashed into a guardrail. As the police closed in, one of the suspects attempted to hide in a port-a-potty. However, quick-thinking golfers from a nearby golf course tipped the port-a-potty on its side, allowing the officers to apprehend the suspect. The entire incident was captured on video, which went viral on social media platforms.

Another strange incident took place in Cottage Grove, Minnesota, where a man decided to break the speed limit in order to inform the police about his alcohol consumption that night. The man drove at a staggering speed of 106 mph to reach the Brown County Jail, approximately a two-hour drive away. He admitted to drinking four vodkas mixed with Mountain Dew and claimed to feel buzzed. The police officer noticed the smell of alcohol on his breath, along with other signs of intoxication. The man was subsequently charged with third-degree driving while intoxicated.

In Detroit, Michigan, a cemetery became the center of a bizarre controversy. Families reported that grave markers had been moved, headstones were missing, and their loved ones’ burial sites were untraceable. The Local 4 news outlet investigated the matter, revealing the heartbreaking stories of families who were unable to locate the final resting places of their relatives. The city issued an apology and expressed willingness to work with affected families to resolve the confusion surrounding the cemetery.

The year 2023 certainly provided its fair share of puzzling and absurd crimes. From the theft of a Bigfoot statue to a chicken attack, these incidents serve as a reminder that even in the realm of law enforcement, the unpredictable can happen. It remains to be seen what bizarre crimes the future holds, but for now, these cases will continue to captivate our curiosity and leave us wondering about the strange actions of a few individuals.

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