Wisconsin Republicans Plan to Introduce Limited Medical Marijuana Proposal in 2024

Wisconsin Republicans are gearing up to present a proposal that would legalize medical marijuana in the state, with a potential vote on the matter expected in 2024. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos revealed that Republicans have been working on a medical marijuana bill behind closed doors for several years. While Democrats, including Governor Tony Evers, have called for the legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes, Republicans are focusing on a more restricted approach.

Vos stated that the proposed legislation would be modeled after Minnesota’s previous medical marijuana law before it was fully legalized. He emphasized that the availability of medical marijuana would not be widespread, dispelling concerns of dispensaries sprouting up on every corner in every city. Although Assembly Republicans are supportive of the concept, the actual proposal has yet to be seen. Vos plans to unveil it in January.

Vos had initially aimed to have the bill ready by the fall of 2023, but finding consensus among Republicans took more time than anticipated. Despite the delay, Vos expressed confidence in the bill’s prospects, stating, “In concept, most people are there, but I don’t want to guarantee anything until we have a wider discussion. I feel pretty good that we’re in a place where I think it can get through our chamber.”

If the bill passes both the Senate and Assembly, it would require Governor Evers’ signature to become law. Senate Republicans have historically been less receptive to marijuana legalization compared to their Assembly counterparts. However, Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu indicated in January that a medical marijuana program could be approved during this legislative session, provided regulations are in place to ensure the treatment is reserved for individuals experiencing severe pain.

While Vos has long supported the idea of a medical marijuana program, no previous bill has received a vote in either the GOP-controlled Assembly or Senate. Wisconsin currently stands as an outlier, with only 38 states having legalized medical marijuana and 24 allowing recreational use. The momentum for legalization in Wisconsin has grown as neighboring states have relaxed their marijuana laws.

Public opinion in Wisconsin has consistently shown strong support for legalizing marijuana use, as indicated by polls conducted by Marquette University Law School. The move towards medical marijuana legalization aligns with the sentiments of a significant majority of Wisconsin residents.

Overall, the introduction of the limited medical marijuana proposal by Wisconsin Republicans signals a potential shift in the state’s stance on marijuana. As discussions and debates unfold in the coming months, the bill’s fate will ultimately rest on the support it receives from lawmakers and Governor Evers.

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