Republicans Showcase Accomplishments in Countering Biden’s Green Agenda

In a recent report released by Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee Republicans, the party highlights their successful efforts in countering President Biden’s radical green agenda and advancing bipartisan legislation. Titled “Countering Biden’s Radical Green Agenda with Rigorous Oversight & Real Solutions,” the report outlines the committee’s achievements in energy and oversight issues throughout 2023.

The report emphasizes the Republicans’ opposition to President Biden’s regulatory overreach and their commitment to streamlining infrastructure development, facilitating energy production, and defeating federal environmental regulations. According to EPW Committee ranking member Shelley Moore Capito, President Biden’s relentless regulation and executive overreach targeted American energy, imposing unrealistic climate agendas that proved costly to American families and detrimental to the economy. In response, EPW Republicans aimed to expose the negative impacts of these policies, conduct crucial oversight, and provide logical, bipartisan energy and environmental alternatives grounded in reality.

The report further highlights the committee Republicans’ focus on building an economically prosperous future, ensuring federal agencies’ adherence to the law, combatting extremist climate policies, exposing waste, fraud, and abuse, and reforming agencies’ management and use of taxpayer resources. It underscores the rejection of President Biden’s radical climate agenda by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the American public.

Among the key achievements listed in the report is the Revitalizing the Economy by Simplifying Timelines and Assuring Regulatory Transparency Act, introduced by Republicans to streamline the environmental permitting process for new infrastructure projects. Additionally, the committee’s GOP membership played a crucial role in the approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, a significant natural gas pipeline project included in the bipartisan debt limit bill signed by President Biden.

The report also highlights the successful passage of six Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions originating from EPW Republicans. These resolutions rescinded regulations related to electrifying the trucking industry, wildlife protection, and the “Waters of the United States” rule. Furthermore, Republicans’ actions led to the reduction of Federal Highway Administration regulations and a revised Waters of the United States rule.

The report underscores the oversight efforts targeting the Environmental Protection Agency’s power plant regulations, the “Good Neighbor Rule” aimed at phasing down fossil fuel power generation, and particulate matter regulations that could impose significant costs on the manufacturing sector.

Overall, the report showcases the significant achievements of EPW Committee Republicans in countering President Biden’s green agenda, advancing bipartisan solutions, and protecting American energy interests. It reflects their commitment to a prosperous future, adherence to the law, and responsible environmental policies based on realistic alternatives.

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