Republican Senator Introduces Bill to Block Biden’s Gun Export License Pause

In a move to protect American gun manufacturers, Republican Senator Mike Lee has introduced the Protecting American Gun Exporters Act. The bill aims to prevent Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo from implementing a 90-day pause on gun export licenses, which was announced by the Biden administration. Lee argues that the halt lacks justification and necessity.

Joining Senator Lee on the bill are several GOP Senators, including John Thune, Cynthia Lummis, Steve Daines, Mike Braun, Tom Cotton, and Rick Scott. House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green is also leading the House companion bill.

The lawmakers believe that restricting the lawful export of firearms and related components unfairly targets livelihoods and weakens the American firearms industry. They argue that such measures only serve to hamper the industry and empower illicit arms dealers.

Critics of the Biden administration, such as Senator Cynthia Lummis, accuse it of eroding the rights of law-abiding citizens and attacking gun manufacturers. Lummis views the pause as a gun-grabbing policy that undermines constitutional rights. As a proud defender of the Second Amendment, she is partnering with Senator Lee to combat the administration’s overreach.

Chairman Green emphasizes that federal agencies should fulfill their responsibilities without the need for additional legislation. The Protect American Gun Exporters Act aims to ensure that the Department of Commerce adheres to its duties as outlined by Congress. By doing so, it aims to support the American business community and protect the rights of law-abiding citizens.

The bill specifically strips Secretary Raimondo of her authority to implement any policy changes resulting from the department’s assessment on the pause in the issuance of new export licenses. It also prohibits the Commerce secretary from taking any similar action to suspend or prohibit the issuance of new export licenses.

This Republican initiative comes in response to demands for answers from the Department of Commerce by Republicans on the House Small Business Committee. Chairman Roger Williams expressed concerns that the pause could be in violation of the Second Amendment and criticized the Biden administration’s attack on small businesses.

Digital has reached out to the Department of Commerce for comment on the matter.

In conclusion, Republican Senator Mike Lee’s bill seeks to prevent the Biden administration’s pause on gun export licenses. Republicans argue that such measures unfairly target American gun manufacturers and hinder the industry’s growth. They view the bill as a means to protect constitutional rights and support small businesses. The future of the Protecting American Gun Exporters Act remains uncertain, but it represents the ongoing debate surrounding gun control in the United States.

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