Republican Congressman Urges President Biden to Take Action on Border Crisis

Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott calls out the Biden administration over the border crisis on ‘America’s Newsroom.’ Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., is urging President Biden to use his executive authority to impose strict measures to combat the ongoing migrant crisis at the U.S. southern border.

In a letter addressed to President Biden, Johnson expressed concerns about the dire situation at the border, stating that the wide-open border has caused unspeakable human tragedy for migrants and American citizens alike. According to Johnson, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officials have seized enough fentanyl to kill the entire U.S. population during FY2023, with fentanyl poisoning now becoming the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45. Additionally, countless individuals have fallen victim to human trafficking, while cartels have been emboldened and enriched.

Moreover, Johnson highlighted the devastating impact on local communities and the increased vulnerability to terrorist attacks. He argued that the Biden administration’s policies, such as ending the Remain in Mexico policy, reinstating catch-and-release, suspending asylum cooperative agreements with other nations, ignoring existing restraints on the abuse of parole, and halting border wall construction, have undermined America’s sovereignty and security.

To address these concerns, Johnson called on President Biden to take immediate executive action. He proposed empowering border agents to turn back or detain all illegal aliens encountered between ports of entry and narrowing parole authority for migrants. Additionally, Johnson demanded the reinstatement of the Trump administration’s controversial Remain in Mexico policy, the strengthening of expedited removal processes, and the resumption of border wall construction.

In response to Republican pressure, the White House has been forced to the negotiating table on border security. Republican lawmakers, who have been holding up Biden’s $110 billion supplemental aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and other causes, argue that significant policy changes are necessary for the border funding to be meaningful.

Johnson has made it clear that House Republicans will not agree to Ukraine funding unless the Senate takes up their marquee border security bill, known as H.R. 2. The White House has yet to respond to Johnson’s letter.

The ongoing border crisis continues to strain CBP resources, as thousands of migrants cross the border daily. The situation has become a matter of national concern, with communities along the border also being stretched thin.

In conclusion, Republican Congressman Mike Johnson is urging President Biden to take decisive action to address the border crisis. The letter highlights the devastating impact of the wide-open border and calls for measures to combat the rampant illegal immigration, human trafficking, and drug smuggling. The Republican Party has used its leverage on Ukraine funding to push for significant policy changes, putting pressure on the White House to address the border security issue.

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