Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: WHO Describes Situation as ‘Beyond Catastrophic’

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a dire warning about the deteriorating situation in Gaza, describing it as “beyond catastrophic.” The agency reports that patients are now pleading for food and water, as the lack of fuel, staff, and supplies has rendered the northern part of Gaza without a functional hospital. This devastating situation has been exacerbated by Israeli attacks targeting medical facilities.

According to the WHO, missions were conducted to two badly damaged hospitals, al-Shifa and Ahli, in the north of Gaza. The scenes witnessed by the agency were described as “unbearable,” with patients largely abandoned and desperate for basic necessities. Richard Peeperkorn, the WHO representative for the occupied Palestinian territory, expressed dismay, stating, “Our staff are running out of words to describe the beyond catastrophic situation facing remaining patients and health workers.”

The WHO reveals that out of 36 health facilities in Gaza, only nine are partially functional, and all of them are concentrated in southern Gaza. Peeperkorn further emphasized that there are no functional hospitals left in the north. Ahli Arab Hospital, once a vital facility for surgeries in the area, now resembles a hospice, offering limited care with meager resources. The lack of fuel, power, medical supplies, and health workers, including surgeons and specialists, has left the hospital unable to function properly.

Tragically, the bodies of victims from recent Israeli attacks have been lined up in the courtyard of Ahli Arab Hospital due to the inability to provide safe and dignified burials. In addition to Ahli Arab Hospital, northern Gaza only has three other minimally functioning health facilities: al-Shifa, al-Awda, and Assahaba Medical Complex. These facilities are currently sheltering thousands of displaced people.

Patients at Ahli Arab Hospital are facing dire circumstances, with some waiting for surgeries for weeks. Even if they undergo operations, they face the risk of postoperative infections due to the scarcity of antibiotics and other essential drugs. Urgent transfers are required for these patients to have a chance at survival.

The WHO is urgently calling for a humanitarian ceasefire to reinforce and restock the remaining health facilities, deliver vital medical services to the injured, and halt the bloodshed and death. Richard Peeperkorn’s statement coincides with frantic diplomatic efforts to secure another pause in the ongoing conflict. Over 20,000 Palestinians, with 70 percent of them being women and children, have already lost their lives.

On Wednesday, the UN Security Council postponed a crucial vote on a draft resolution aimed at boosting humanitarian aid for Gaza. The postponement was to avoid a veto from the United States, which has traditionally shielded Israel from UN action. The council is set to vote on a pause in hostilities and aid delivery to the Gaza Strip on Thursday.

In conclusion, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza has reached catastrophic levels, with the WHO sounding the alarm on the desperate conditions faced by patients and health workers. Urgent international action is needed to address the lack of medical resources, ensure safe burials for victims, and establish a ceasefire to prevent further loss of life.

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