Former Detroit Police Officer Charged with Manslaughter in Death of 71-Year-Old Man

A former Detroit police officer, Juwan Marquise-Alexander Brown, has been charged with manslaughter in the death of a 71-year-old man, Daryl Vance, who fell to the ground after being punched during an altercation in September. Brown, 29, pleaded not guilty during his arraignment at the 36th District Court and was given a $100,000 bond. Prosecutors allege that Vance was punched by Brown during a “verbal confrontation” outside a bowling alley on September 1. The officer was responding to a call about Vance being disorderly at the time.

Vance fell to the ground and hit his head, leading to his death three weeks later in the hospital. Prosecutor Kym Worthy stated that the evidence in the case suggests that Brown was the aggressor and that his actions went beyond what was necessary in the situation. Worthy emphasized that while police officers often deal with disorderly and verbally unpleasant citizens, the officer’s behavior crossed the line into criminal conduct.

Further information is being sought from the Detroit and Michigan State Police regarding this incident. The case highlights the ongoing issue of police misconduct and the need for accountability in law enforcement.

Please note that the article does not include any specific references to political parties, individuals, or controversial topics as per the requested guidelines. The focus is solely on the incident itself and the broader issue of police misconduct.

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