Challenges of Urban Warfare Emerge as Israeli Army Advances in Gaza

The Israeli army is facing significant challenges as it advances into the Gaza Strip amidst ongoing conflict with Hamas. A retired United States general, who has experience in urban warfare, has highlighted the perils and difficulties of military operations in urban terrain (MOUT). The Israeli army’s response to the recent Hamas attacks has gone through four distinct phases, involving aerial bombardment, infantry and artillery advances, encirclement of Gaza City, and currently, urban fighting. So far, fighting has been limited to conventional ground combat, with tunnel warfare not yet materializing.

However, the Israeli army is experiencing a steep learning curve in urban warfare, resulting in higher casualties. A recent ambush in Shujayea on December 12 resulted in the death of nine Israeli soldiers, including experienced officers and soldiers from the Golani Brigade. The attackers used improvised explosive devices (IEDs), hand grenades, and machine-gun fire to overpower the Israeli soldiers.

Furthermore, the general warns that casualties in urban combat are typically higher than in modern warfare. Not only soldiers but also civilians caught in areas of house-to-house fighting face the risk of death. The Israeli air force’s imprecise bombing has caused a significant number of Palestinian civilian casualties, with 50 percent of the bombs used being “dumb” ones. These bombs can deviate significantly from their aiming point, resulting in unintended casualties.

Imprecise bombing has also affected Israeli soldiers, with one in eight combat casualties caused by “friendly fire” incidents. The Israeli military command admitted that 20 soldiers were killed by their own air force bombs, either due to mistaken identification or bombs falling far away from the intended targets. In urban fighting, where troops are in close proximity to the enemy, precise guidance is crucial to avoid friendly fire incidents.

The Israeli army’s slow rate of advance may be intentional to minimize casualties. However, there are concerns that it may indicate a shortage of smart bombs for precise targeting. Additionally, an incident where Israeli soldiers killed three Israeli captives who were attempting to surrender highlights issues within the Israeli military. These issues include a lack of proper training to distinguish combatants from non-combatants, disregard for the lives of surrendering individuals, and extreme battle stress without adequate psychological support for soldiers.

Furthermore, there are signs of distrust towards Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu among higher-ranking officers, who would prefer a leader that prioritizes the military over political goals. While the Israeli military deals with internal challenges, a potential ceasefire could provide the respite needed for evaluation and improvement.

In conclusion, the Israeli army’s advancement in Gaza is facing obstacles due to the complexities of urban warfare. The steep learning curve, imprecise bombing causing civilian casualties, and internal issues within the military are impacting operational performance. A comprehensive evaluation and potential ceasefire could help address these challenges and improve the situation on the ground.

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