Hypocrisy Exposed: Congressman Who Called for Defunding Police Now Requests Enhanced Patrols at His Home

Austin, Texas – The Austin Police Department is facing staff shortages amidst a surge in crime in the city, according to Austin Police Association President Thomas Villarreal. In a surprising turn of events, a progressive congressman associated with “The Squad” who had proudly voted to defund the Austin Police Department as a city council member and criticized the department for alleged racist practices just last week, is now under fire for requesting a police patrol at his own home.

The Austin Police Retired Officers Association called out Representative Greg Casar on social media, stating, “It’s come to our attention that Anti-police king of the defund movement in Austin @GregCasar, who only last week called APD an agency with racist practices, has requested enhanced patrols around his house for the next week.” The association further added, “We want everyone in Austin to feel safe, but this seems to us as the height of hypocrisy from the congressman. Maybe he should hire private security like his fellow squad members do. Sure seems like he wants the police in his neighborhood just not yours.”

Casar, a vocal advocate for defunding the Austin Police Department in 2020, celebrated the city council’s decision to reduce APD’s budget by over $100 million and reinvest resources into community safety and well-being. However, this move has resulted in a police shortage and a wave of officer retirements, which critics argue the city has yet to recover from.

Last week, Casar sent a letter to the Justice Department criticizing practices within the Austin Police Department, specifically addressing the need for systemic reforms regarding excessive and lethal use of force, racial discrimination, and discrimination against people with mental health conditions.

News of Casar’s request for a security detail, confirmed by Digital, has drawn immediate criticism from Austin residents on social media, who perceive it as an example of hypocrisy. Austin personal injury attorney Adam Loewy commented, “So @GregCasar believes APD is a racist institution that requires DOJ oversight but then requests more APD patrols around his house. Interesting juxtaposition.” Travis County GOP Chairman Matt Mackowiak also expressed his displeasure, calling Casar a fraud.

While some argue that Casar should receive extra protection if there are officers available and a credible threat, others, including Dennis Farris, president of the Austin Police Retired Officers Association, believe this request demonstrates the “height of hypocrisy.” Farris stated, “A week ago, he was calling the Austin Police Department a racist department that targeted Black and brown people, and this week he’s asking the exact same department to do enhanced patrols around his house.”

Casar’s office chose not to comment on the matter, stating that security issues are handled by the United States Sergeant at Arms, who works with the U.S. Capitol Police and local law enforcement agencies. The United States Capitol Police and the Austin Police Department also declined to discuss specific security measures for members of Congress.

The situation has shed light on the apparent inconsistency in Casar’s stance regarding police funding and protection. As Austin continues to grapple with rising crime rates and a strained police force, this controversy raises questions about the efficacy and credibility of defunding initiatives.

In conclusion, while Congressman Greg Casar has requested enhanced police patrols at his own home, his previous support for defunding the Austin Police Department and criticism of its alleged racist practices have drawn criticism from both residents and law enforcement organizations. This incident highlights the ongoing debate surrounding police funding and the need for systemic reforms within the department.

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