Fertility Doctor Convicted of Strangling Wife, Staging Accident

A fertility doctor in Southern California has been convicted of second-degree murder for strangling his wife and attempting to stage her death as an accident. Eric Scott Sills, 58, was found guilty by an Orange County jury for the murder of his 45-year-old wife, Susann Sills. The incident occurred in November 2016 at their San Clemente home. Sills now faces a potential sentence of 15 years to life in state prison.

Prosecutors have described Sills’ actions as diabolical, stating that it required calculated planning to not only kill his wife but also make it appear as though she had fallen down the stairs. Orange County District Attorney Scott Spitzer condemned Sills for his ruthless and selfish act, leaving their children without parents.

On the day of the incident, Sills called 911 claiming to have found his wife’s lifeless body at the bottom of the stairs. However, an autopsy revealed that Susann Sills had died from strangulation. Investigators discovered blood stains on a wall and curtains in their daughter’s bedroom, indicating a violent struggle. Susann, who was suffering from a migraine, had been sleeping in that room at the time.

Scott Spitzer highlighted the irony of Sills’ chosen profession as a fertility doctor, stating that he was sworn to care for the sick and injured but ultimately took the life of his own wife. Sills served as the medical director of the Center for Advanced Genetics fertility clinic in Carlsbad, with his wife being the managing partner and co-founder. The couple had 12-year-old twins at the time of the incident.

Sills had a background in in-vitro fertilization and had written books on the subject. He was also part of a team that discovered three previously unknown human gene mutations. Investigators have not determined a clear motive for the crime but noted that the couple was facing marital problems and financial strain. Allegedly, Susann was frustrated with Sills’ older children from a previous relationship, and he was fixated on a topless photo she posted in a chat room after losing a bet on the 2016 Republican nomination.

The trial shed light on the disturbing actions of a trusted medical professional and the devastating impact on their family. The sentencing is scheduled for March, where Sills could face a lengthy prison term.

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