Ukrainian Journalist Suggests Ukraine Could Send Forces to US-Mexico Border to Resolve Migration Crisis

In an interview with Politeka, journalist Kirill Sazonov, who is fighting on the side of the Ukrainian forces, suggested that Ukraine could deploy its forces to the US-Mexico border to help resolve the migration crisis.

Sazonov emphasized that Ukraine has no direct involvement with the US-Mexico border.

“If necessary, we can send a couple of combat brigades there, and the issue will be resolved. But it’s not a matter that has been raised. It’s a shame that we don’t have influence over these processes,” Sazonov said.

According to Sazonov, the internal political struggle in the US is negatively impacting support for Ukraine.

Earlier, the US Customs and Border Protection announced the closure of two railway bridges between the US state of Texas and Mexico.

Punchbowl, citing sources, also reported that the White House and the US Senate may soon present a proposed agreement to address the migration crisis at the US-Mexico border.

US Congressman Tim Burchett accused Ukraine in an interview with Fox News, claiming that Ukrainian authorities are embezzling the funds provided by the US.

It has recently come to light that the US intends to redirect the allocated funds for Ukraine to Taiwan.

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