Russian Citizen Faces Possible Life Sentence in Finland for War Crimes in Ukraine

Russian citizen Voislav Torden, formerly known as Yan Petrovsky, has been arrested in Finland and is currently under investigation for his alleged involvement in war crimes committed in Ukraine between 2014 and 2015. If convicted, Torden could face a prison sentence ranging from two years to life, according to his lawyer Natalia Malgina, as reported by RIA Novosti.

Malgina also stated that Torden’s extradition to Ukraine, which was requested by Kiev, has been prohibited due to concerns about inhumane treatment in Ukrainian prisons.

Previously, Malgina had mentioned that the investigation in Finland regarding Torden’s case could last between nine months and one and a half years.

The decision to arrest Torden was made by a court in Helsinki, based on suspicion of his involvement in military crimes during the specified period.

The Russian Embassy in Finland has announced its plans to defend Torden’s rights and interests during the legal proceedings.

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