Michigan City Bans Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers Citing Noise and Health Concerns

Ann Arbor, Michigan – In a unanimous decision by the city council, Ann Arbor has become the latest city to ban gasoline-powered leaf blowers due to concerns over noise pollution and health effects. The new law, sponsored by council members Jenn Cornell, Dharma Akmon, and Jen Eyer, aims to transition to electric leaf blowers by 2028, gradually phasing out gas blowers over a four-year period.

The decision was met with mixed feedback during a public hearing, with a lawn care contractor expressing concerns about the financial impact of transitioning to electric blowers. However, the council members assured that the phased-out approach would mitigate economic hardship for small businesses.

Starting from January 1, 2028, the use of gas blowers will be fully banned in Ann Arbor. However, until then, they will only be allowed between October and May. The ordinance includes exceptions for contractors engaged in street, sidewalk, or paving construction work, as well as emergency situations involving health, safety, and property protection. Additionally, gas blowers may be used for post-emergency property restoration purposes, such as clearing debris.

Proponents of the ban, including a member of the city’s environmental commission, argue that it will benefit workers, neighbors, wildlife, and the community as a whole. Ann Arbor, home to the University of Michigan, now joins other communities with similar ordinances aimed at reducing noise pollution and promoting environmental sustainability.

Violations of the ban will incur penalties of $100 for first offenses and $250 for subsequent offenses. With a population of approximately 124,000 according to the 2020 U.S. Census, Ann Arbor’s ban on gasoline-powered leaf blowers reflects the city’s commitment to creating a quieter and healthier environment.

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