Small Town Residents Caught Off Guard by Steep Property Tax Hike

Residents of Volant, a small borough north of Pittsburgh, were blindsided by a significant property tax increase of 57%. Cheryl Geidner, a property owner and business overseer in the town, expressed her surprise at the lack of prior discussion on the proposed financials. The unexpected tax hike will burden the community, particularly its elderly population, with half of the residents being over the age of 65 and a below-average median salary. This tax increase marks the first in seven years for Volant.

The lack of transparency in local government decision-making is a growing concern across the United States. Public access to records and meetings is becoming increasingly restricted, according to open government advocates and experts. Compliance with records requests from local governments dropped from 63% to 42% between 2010 and 2021, based on data provided by MuckRock, a nonprofit news site specializing in public records requests. High fees, delays, and refusals to release information are common complaints.

Examples of restricted access to information abound. In a suburban Chicago community, a local journalist was ticketed for attempting to contact city officials for comment on fall flooding. The citations were later dropped. In California, open government advocates sued the city of Fresno for conducting secret budget negotiations. Residents of Sapelo Island in Georgia accused county officials of scheduling important public meetings after the last ferry had departed, making attendance difficult.

Volant, Pennsylvania, measures just over 0.1 square miles and has a population of 126 residents. Its small-town charm and local businesses make it a popular day-trip destination. However, the lack of transparency in the government’s decision-making process has left residents feeling uncomfortable and disturbed. Requests for the preliminary budget were denied, and attempts to meet with the borough’s secretary were met with a closed office. The council’s president, Howard Moss, and vice president, Glenn Smith, did not respond to requests for comment.

The decline in access to local government meetings and records can be attributed to several factors. Many local agencies lack the resources and infrastructure to handle records requests efficiently. Additionally, the diminishing presence of local media institutions means limited resources for legal battles over access to information. The increased polarization within communities and the influx of records requests related to election falsehoods and contentious issues like COVID-19 policies have further strained local governments.

As a result, governments are becoming more emboldened to restrict access to information and avoid accountability. Lawsuits against journalists and residents who make records requests are becoming more common, and elected officials are discussing public business in closed sessions. Local agencies are also facing challenges in meeting the demands for transparency due to understaffing and limited resources.

The troubling trend of restricted access to information is not limited to Volant. A state auditor’s report revealed transparency issues in Rural Hall, North Carolina, where the town failed to produce 38% of requested records. The town council was also found to have violated open meetings laws. These examples highlight the need for increased accountability and transparency in local governments across the country.

Overall, the lack of transparency in local government decision-making is a pressing concern that affects communities nationwide. It is essential for residents to have access to public records and meetings to hold their elected officials accountable. Efforts to improve transparency and ensure compliance with open records laws are crucial in maintaining a healthy democracy.

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