Remembering Sandra Day O’Connor: Trailblazing Supreme Court Justice Leaves Legacy

Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court, is set to lie in repose at the Supreme Court on Monday. O’Connor passed away in Phoenix on December 1 at the age of 93 due to complications related to advanced dementia, likely Alzheimer’s, and a respiratory illness. The Supreme Court has announced that a private ceremony will be held at 9:30 a.m. ET, followed by the public being able to pay their respects from 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. inside the building’s Great Hall. The funeral service will take place tomorrow at the Washington National Cathedral.

Appointed by former President Reagan in 1981, O’Connor made history as the first female justice on the Supreme Court. Throughout her tenure, she was known for her pragmatic conservative approach and her keen legal mind. After stepping down from the bench in 2006, O’Connor remained active in various causes, advocating for judicial independence and civics education.

In 2018, O’Connor publicly revealed that she was in the early stages of dementia, shedding light on her personal struggle. Her death has prompted current Supreme Court justices to honor her as a trailblazer and an “American hero.” Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr., described her as a woman who met the challenge of being the first female justice with determination, ability, and candor. Justice Sonia Sotomayor highlighted O’Connor’s contributions to women’s rights and civic education, emphasizing her transformative impact on society.

The passing of Sandra Day O’Connor marks the end of an era and leaves behind a lasting legacy. Her achievements as a woman in the legal profession and her dedication to public service will continue to inspire generations to come.

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