President Biden’s Daughter Owes $5,000 in Income Taxes, Raises Questions about Fair Share

In a recent development, it has been revealed that Ashley Biden, daughter of President Joe Biden, owes $5,000 in income taxes dating back to 2015. The information was obtained from a tax lien docket, which shows that the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue has placed a lien on Ashley Biden’s property due to unpaid taxes.

The period covered by the tax lien begins in 2015 when Joe Biden was serving as vice president in the Obama administration and ends in January 2021, just days before he was inaugurated as president. This revelation comes as the Biden administration has repeatedly emphasized the importance of wealthy and connected individuals paying their fair share of taxes.

The founder of nonprofit Marco Polo and former President Trump aide, Garrett Ziegler, criticized the Bidens for their alleged carelessness in handling their tax payments. Ziegler pointed out that Joe Biden often talks about the need for the wealthy to pay more in taxes, yet both of his living children have now been found to have tax liens against them.

Ashley Biden, who primarily focuses on social work, activism, and philanthropy, has not responded to requests for comment regarding the tax lien. Ziegler, who runs the website, where thousands of photos from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop are published, discovered Ashley’s tax lien during a routine search in the Philadelphia County courthouse system.

Ziegler made it clear that his team is not politically biased, stating, “We’re not Republican activists.” He added that their aim is to present a balanced view of the Biden family through the photos on the website, allowing the American people to form their own opinions.

It is worth noting that last year, two individuals pleaded guilty to stealing Ashley Biden’s diary and selling it to the conservative watchdog group Project Veritas during the final weeks of the 2020 presidential election. However, it is unclear if this incident is related to the tax lien.

Ashley Biden’s career has primarily focused on social work and criminal justice reform. She currently works for the Delaware Center for Justice and has previously worked as a social worker in the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Their Families. She holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania.

The White House has not yet commented on the tax lien issue. As this story unfolds, it raises questions about the Biden family’s commitment to paying their fair share of taxes, especially considering President Biden’s emphasis on wealthier individuals contributing more to society.

In conclusion, the revelation of Ashley Biden’s unpaid taxes adds another layer to the ongoing discussion about fairness in the tax system. As President Biden continues to push for his policy agenda, including tax reforms, this incident raises questions about whether the first family is leading by example in fulfilling their own tax obligations.

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