Colorado Woman Gored by Mule Deer Buck Outside Her Home

A 67-year-old Colorado woman was attacked by a mule deer buck outside her home, suffering a puncture wound to her leg and significant bruising. The incident occurred in the town of Silver Cliff on Saturday. Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials are currently searching for the animal, which had two spikes on each antler, and plan to euthanize it if found.

According to the agency, after the attack, two young bucks were observed sparring in the woman’s yard, a behavior commonly seen during mating season. It is suspected that the buck may have been attracted to the woman’s home due to a bird feeder on the property. A wildlife officer found a bird feeder in the yard during the investigation and the victim mentioned feeding birds and throwing out bread earlier that day.

Officials believe that the attack occurred due to the deer losing its natural fear of humans, possibly as a result of someone feeding it. This incident serves as a reminder that wild animals should always be treated as such, and people should give them the space they need. Fortunately, the woman’s injuries were not more severe.

The incident highlights the importance of maintaining a respectful distance from wildlife and not encouraging behaviors that could lead to dangerous encounters. Colorado Parks and Wildlife urges residents to be cautious and mindful of their actions to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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