Car Crashes into President Biden’s Motorcade, Driver Charged with DUI

In a startling incident near President Biden’s campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, a car crashed into a parked SUV that was part of the President’s motorcade. The driver, who has been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and inattentive driving, was instructed by Secret Service personnel with weapons drawn to put his hands up. Fortunately, neither President Biden nor the First Lady were harmed in the incident.

The crash occurred on Sunday evening when the sedan collided with a U.S. Secret Service vehicle that was being used to close off intersections as President Biden was walking from the campaign office to his waiting armored SUV. After the collision, the sedan attempted to continue into a closed-off intersection, prompting the Secret Service personnel to surround the vehicle.

Local Wilmington police immediately launched an investigation into the accident, ruling it as an unintentional incident. The 46-year-old driver, whose details were not immediately provided, now faces charges for driving under the influence of alcohol and inattentive driving.

President Biden, visibly stunned by the crash, was quickly ushered into his waiting vehicle along with the First Lady and driven back to their home without further incident. The incident occurred shortly after the President and First Lady had finished a meal with members of his re-election team, according to the White House pool report.

While the crash caused a momentary disruption, it is important to note that the driver was not considered a serious threat to the President. The Secret Service swiftly took control of the situation, ensuring the safety of the President and those around him.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining vigilance and security around high-profile individuals, especially political figures like President Biden. The Secret Service’s quick response and the local police investigation demonstrate the efficiency of the security measures in place.

As the investigation progresses, further details about the driver and any potential consequences they may face will likely emerge. It is crucial for law enforcement agencies to thoroughly examine such incidents to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

The safety and security of political leaders remain paramount, and incidents like these serve as reminders of the constant need for vigilance and protection. President Biden and his team will undoubtedly continue to prioritize their safety as they navigate the campaign trail and beyond.

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